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BAUS 1957 London

The 1957 BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting was held from 27 to 29 June 1957 at The Royal College of Surgeons of England (pictured upper right), Lincoln's Inn Fields, London.

Meeting Programme

Download the programme & minutes of the AGM

Other Information

On 27 June, several short papers and films were presented, following which members transferred to the Royal Society of Medicine for an afternoon session on "Nephrology". The Annual Dinner was held that evening at the Royal College of Surgeons, with 117 members and their guests in attendance.

On 28 June, a session on "Hypertension as a urological problem" was chaired by the President.

In the evening, the President and Council hosted a cocktail party in the Royal College of Surgeons, followed by a Buffet Dance at the Lansdowne Club.

On the morning of 29 June, a session on "Congenital bladder neck obstruction and megaureter" took place, chaired by Mr David Innes-Williams (pictured lower right).

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