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Submitting Your Artwork

Instructions on preparing & submitting digital images

Available categories

BAUS Members are welcome to submit digital photographs of their own work in the categories below:

Painting & Drawing (Hall 1)

Painting (all types of media), drawing (pencil, ink, charcoal etc), pastels, cartoons, graphic art, digital painting using proprietary apps etc. Maximum 8 images

Photography (Hall 2)

Digital photography (or digital images converted from original photographic film or negatives). Maximum 8 images

Pottery, Sculpture & Other Art Forms (Hall 3)

Pottery, sculpture, ceramics, metalwork, woodwork, cabinet/furniture making, tapestry, crochet, macramé, knitting, printmaking, woodcuts, engraving, calligraphy, etching, needlework/embroidery, weaving etc. Maximum 8 images

All items for display in the Members' Art Gallery should be submitted as high-definition digital images (at least 700 pixels wide). You can submit as many images as you wish, up to a maximum of eight (as above).

We recommend that your images are taken either by an experienced photographer using a high-resolution digital camera under professional lighting conditions, or by your hospital's Medical Photography Department. Low-definition mobile phone images are not acceptable.

Submit your images/questions by email

Together with your submitted images, we also ask that you supply:

  • a brief (2-3 line) biographical summary of yourself (although you may, if you prefer, remain anonymous);
  • a brief description of each item (if you wish); and
  • a statement of the copyright level required for each individual image (click here for further information about the three levels of copyright); a copyright statement will be added to all your images on publication.

Please send ONLY the digital images to us - DO NOT send the original artwork

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