The 2009 BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting took plce from 22 to 25 June 2009 at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC, pictured right), Exhibition Way, Glasgow.
This was the first year in which Annual Meetings of some sub-Sections of BAUS were included in the programme.
"Topic-centred" programmes were arranged by the Sections of Academic Urology, Andrology and Genito-Urethral Surgery, and Female, Neurological & Urodynamic Urology on Monday 22 June (see below).
President's Welcome
The BAUS President, Mr Derek Fawcett, offered the following welcome to members attending the 2009 meeting:
On behalf of the Council of The British Association of Urological Surgeons, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Annual Scientific Meeting.
Thank you for the excellent feedback we received after last year’s meeting; the programme committee has endeavoured to build on this success for BAUS 2009. I would like to thank John Anderson (Honorary Secretary), Kieran O’Flynn (Director, Office of Education), the Programme Committee, the BAUS Section Chairmen and Committee Members, our abstract reviewers and the team in the BAUS Office, including Bob Tolley (Exhibition Manager) and Jill Field (Office of Education) for the enormous amount of work that has gone into the planning of this meeting.
The format of the programme looks a little different from previous years, but the content will be both stimulating and thought-provoking as it features eminent leaders in Urology from the UK, and across Europe and North America.
Urology is facing unparalleled changes as a profession and the programme this year includes sessions that will address these challenges and give you the opportunity to have your say.
On Monday we are delighted to welcome the Sections of Academic Urology, Andrology and Female and Reconstructive Urology which are holding their respective Annual Meetings in Glasgow. This is a new development we hope you will like. The Sections have also supported the Programme Committee in developing the scientific sessions during the rest of the week, building on the success of previous meetings. I would also like to thank the BJU International for providing an unconditional educational grant to sponsor an educational symposium on "Scientific Discovery in Urology" as part of the Section of Academic Urology programme on Monday, and a teaching course on "How to Write a Successful Paper’" (led by Professor John Fitzpatrick, Editor-in-Chief, BJU International, pictured right) on Tuesday.
Printed posters will be on display in the Exhibition Hall in the usual way, as well as in the poster rooms where there will be an opportunity to view them for 30 minutes before the presentations begin. Presenters will be asked to focus on "what the subject adds to urology" and "how their work will change current practice". There are also two unmoderated poster sessions based on the "History of Urology" which will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday (13.15 - 13.45hr) in the Exhibition Hall.
I would also particularly like to express our appreciation for the very generous support the Association receives for
the Annual Meeting (as well as our activities more widely) from the pharmaceutical and equipment industries. This is especially so in the difficult economic climate in which we all find ourselves. I know you will show your appreciation by visiting the stands in the Exhibition Hall throughout the week. Once again, our programme has time set aside on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to allow you to spend time visiting the exhibition.
And now to the social programme, because BAUS meetings are always a great chance to catch up with friends and colleagues. All delegates are invited to the Welcome Reception on Monday 22 June at 18.00hr in the Foyer of the Clyde Auditorium and our accompanying persons can meet for coffee at the Crowne Plaza at 11.00hr on Tuesday 23 June to plan their week. After the unqualified success of the Waverley Paddle Steamer (pictured right) at BAUS 2007, we are returning to the Waverley on Wednesday evening at 18.45hr: please contact the registration desk about purchasing tickets (£20 each).
We hope you enjoy the meeting ...
Meeting Abstracts
To review abstracts of the presentations given at the conference, download the following PDFs:
Paper Sessions | Poster Sessions | Unmoderated Poster Sessions
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