1.1 Members shall be practitioners who are concerned with the practice of urological surgery at the time of their election and who continue in urological practice.
1.2 There shall be four classes of voting members who shall be entitled to hold office as Trustees or Council members, and to vote at regional & general meetings of the Association:
a) Member: Specialist Register must be on the Specialist Register in Urology in the UK or Ireland* and in active practice in the UK or Ireland *. Exceptionally, Council may admit surgeons who are on the Specialist Register in another specialty but who have a substantial commitment to urology.
b) Member: Urological Specialist in substantive staff grade, associate specialist and specialty doctor posts in the UK or Ireland *. An Associate Urological Specialist member who becomes an officially designated Consultant Urologist on the Specialist Register shall inform the BAUS office of their start date and shall become a Member: Specialist Register automatically.
c) Member: Trainee must hold a medical qualification and be pursuing, or wanting to pursue, training in urology in the UK or Republic of Ireland *.
d) Member: Core Trainee members as in c) above, but holding only a Core Trainee position. This category is limited to two years' membership.
* Urologists in the Republic of Ireland who are eligible for any of the four categories above may choose to join the International category (below) but would, in so doing, forfeit any voting rights
1.3 There shall be six classes of non-voting member:
a) Allied Professionals should include but not be limited to:-
- Doctors who are not designated urologists (e.g. oncologists, radiologists, GPs etc);
- Physician's Associates;
- Surgical Assistants;
- Advanced Clinical Practitioners;
- Specialist Nurses/Advanced Nurse Practitioners;
- Physiotherapists; and
- Clinical Scientists
b) International Members, who shall be urologists working outside of the UK.
c) Fully Retired. A Member who has retired from all active practice will be eligible to apply for election to Fully Retired Membership. They shall pay no annual subscription.
d) Semi-Retired. A member who has partly retired from urological practice will be eligible to apply for election to Semi-Retired Membership.
e) Honorary Members, who shall be persons who have made a distinguished contribution to urology or who have achieved outstanding prominence in a field of medicine related to urology, either in the United Kingdom or abroad. They shall pay no annual subscription.
f) Medical Students and Foundation Trainee, should be a medical student at a UK registered medical school or hold a Foundation Training Post in the UK.