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Information About BAUS Membership

Thank you for your interest in applying for membership of the British Association of Urological Surgeons.

Membership of BAUS is open to any medical practitioner in urological practice interested in promoting the objects of the organisation.

The objects of BAUS are to promote the highest standard in the practice of urology for the benefit of patients by fostering education, research and clinical excellence.

BAUS launched a new Web App in June 2024. It is, however, not really an app as such but a "hybrid" app/website.

The Members' section (MyBAUS) has the appearance of an app (something you would download and install on your smartphone or tablet device), whilst the remainder of the information retains the original "look and feel" of a normal website (but also displays clearly on a smartphone).

As a member of BAUS, you can use the web app to keep in touch, on the move, with BAUS news tailored individually for you

PLEASE NOTE: the app is NOT available on the normal Apple/Google app stores, so click the link below for details of how to download & configure the app. New members will be supplied with this information as part of their registration.

How to access the BAUS Web App

1. Current Membership Categories

1.1 Members shall be practitioners who are concerned with the practice of urological surgery at the time of their election and who continue in urological practice.

1.2 There shall be four classes of voting members who shall be entitled to hold office as Trustees or Council members, and to vote at regional & general meetings of the Association:

a) Member: Specialist Register must be on the Specialist Register in Urology in the UK or Ireland* and in active practice in the UK or Ireland *. Exceptionally, Council may admit surgeons who are on the Specialist Register in another specialty but who have a substantial commitment to urology.

b) Member: Urological Specialist in substantive staff grade, associate specialist and specialty doctor posts in the UK or Ireland *. An Associate Urological Specialist member who becomes an officially designated Consultant Urologist on the Specialist Register shall inform the BAUS office of their start date and shall become a Member: Specialist Register automatically.

c) Member: Trainee must hold a medical qualification and be pursuing, or wanting to pursue, training in urology in the UK or Republic of Ireland *

d) Member: Core Trainee members as in c) above, but holding only a Core Trainee position. This category is limited to two years' membership.

* Urologists in the Republic of Ireland who are eligible for any of the four categories above may choose to join the International category (below) but would, in so doing, forfeit any voting rights

1.3 There shall be six classes of non-voting member:

a) Allied Professionals should include but not be limited to:-

  • Doctors who are not designated urologists (e.g. oncologists, radiologists, GPs etc);
  • Physician's Associates;
  • Surgical Assistants;
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioners;
  • Specialist Nurses/Advanced Nurse Practitioners;
  • Physiotherapists; and
  • Clinical Scientists 

b) International Members, who shall be urologists working outside of the UK.

c) Fully Retired. A Member who has retired from all active practice will be eligible to apply for election to Fully Retired Membership. They shall pay no annual subscription.

d) Semi-Retired. A member who has partly retired from urological practice will be eligible to apply for election to Semi-Retired Membership.

e) Honorary Members, who shall be persons who have made a distinguished contribution to urology or who have achieved outstanding prominence in a field of medicine related to urology, either in the United Kingdom or abroad. They shall pay no annual subscription.

f) Medical Students and Foundation Trainee, should be a medical student at a UK registered medical school or hold a Foundation Training Post in the UK.


2. Mode of Election

2.1 Applications for membership shall be completed online. Elections to membership shall be confirmed at a Council meeting and reported at the Annual General Meeting.

2.2 Candidates for Member: Specialist Register shall be elected by the Council.

2.3 Candidates for Member: Urological Specialist shall be elected by the Council.

2.4 Candidates for Member: Trainee and Member: Core Trainee shall be elected by the Council.

2.5 Candidates for Allied Professional Membership shall be elected by the Council.

2.6 Candidates for International Membership shall be elected by the Council.

2.7 The Council shall have power to elect such Honorary Members as they think fit, provided that they fulfil the conditions of Rule 1.3d


3. Termination of Membership

3.1 Membership is terminated if the member concerned:

  • gives 14 days written notice of resignation to the Honorary Secretary;]
  • dies;
  • is more than three months in arrears in paying the relevant subscription; (the Trustees may reinstate the member upon application in writing and payment of the amount due, plus an administration charge); or
  • is removed from membership by resolution of the Trustees on the ground that in their reasonable opinion the member's continued membership is harmful to the charity. The Trustees may only pass such a resolution after notifying the member in writing and considering the matter in the light of any written representations which the member concerned puts forward within 14 clear days after receiving notice.

4. Maternity Leave

Members (Specialist Register, Trainee, Core Trainee, Urological Specialist and Allied Professional) paying a full subscription rate, who are on maternity/parental/adoption leave for six months or over are eligible for a reduction of 50% on one year of the annual subscription on production of a copy of the MAT B1 certificate (or equivalent).

If leave crosses two calendar years, the Member will be eligible for the reduction in only one of these years, at their discretion.

Please forward MAT B1 (or equivalent) to if you would like to apply fo this reduction.


Apply for membership  Email the Admin Team

Membership changes & category benefits (as of 1 Jan 2025)

Following a review of the membership subscription rates & the Rules of the Charity by the BAUS Trustees, changes to the membership categories have been agreed. These changes were presented to BAUS members by the Honorary Treasurer, and were approved during the 12th Annual General Meeting of BAUS held on-line at 08:00hr on 9 November 2021.

Individual features of each new membership category are numbered below & shown in the table, together with the annual fee for each category:

1️⃣  Full BAUS website access
2️⃣  Electronic BJUI & JCU
3️⃣  Access to BJUI Knowledge
4️⃣  BSoT membership
5️⃣  Discount for BAUS events
6️⃣  Access to BAUS webinars
7️⃣  Mailings from BAUS
8️⃣  Allowed to vote in elections
* MEMBER: SPECIALIST REGISTER £446  1️⃣   2️⃣   3️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣   7️⃣   8️⃣
** MEMBER: UROLOGICAL SPECIALIST £366 1️⃣   2️⃣   3️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣   7️⃣   8️⃣  
*** MEMBER: TRAINEE £190 1️⃣   2️⃣   3️⃣   4️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣   7️⃣   8️⃣  
ALLIED PROFESSIONAL £75 1️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣  
INTERNATIONAL £205 1️⃣   2️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣  
FULLY RETIRED Free 1️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣   7️⃣  
SEMI-RETIRED £163 1️⃣   2️⃣   3️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣   7️⃣  
HONORARY MEMBER Free 1️⃣   2️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣   7️⃣  
MED STUDENT & FOUNDATION TRAINEE £20 1️⃣   5️⃣   6️⃣  
  *       Applicants from Eire may choose to join as INTERNATIONAL members (N.B. non-voting)
  **     Applicants in parallel training may choose to join as TRAINEE members
  ***   Core trainees (CTs) may claim a concessionary rate of £100 p.a. (for two years only)