BAUS Data & Audit Programme

Read the latest Audit Steering Group Report, published in January 2025, using the link below:
Jan 2025 Audit Report
BAUS Registries
Data collection for nephrectomy, radical prostatectomy, cystectomy, PCNL and urethroplasty closed on 31 December 2019. Summary data is available on request. Individual surgeons and unit level outcomes data is no longer published on this website.
PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to utilise any of the BAUS registry data for research purposes, you will need to apply for permission: different data sets require different application forms. Please contact BAUS for the appropriate form.
Data collection for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) Surgery closed on 31 December 2020. The SUI registry will be replaced by a national registry, following the recommendations of the Cumberlege Report in July 2020. This registry is being developed by NHS Digital.
Download the Cumberlege Report
BAUS Snapshot Audits
The BAUS registries mentioned above have been replaced by a series of snapshot audits that aim to identify best practice in specific areas, and which will fulfil training & appraisal requirements for participation in national audits, by both trainees & Consultants.
Further info about snapshot audits
BAUS is the vanguard surgical specialty for the National Consultant Information Programme (NCIP) data portal (see below). From 2025 it will also undertake a series of collaborative data projects using routinely collected data from existing national datasets to support evidence-based recommendations, quality improvement initiatives and refinement of best practice in urology.
The BAUS Data & Audit Progamme is overseen by the BAUS Audit Steering Group (ASG), chaired by Rob Calvert. The other members of the group are: Bushra Abdelqader, Kevin Gallagher, Magda Kujawa, John McGrath, Ed Rowe, Daron Smith and Maxine Tran.
See the ASG Quality Improvement Plan here
The National Consultant Information Programme (NCIP)
The NCIP online data portal enables NHS Consultant Surgeons to review information about their clinical activity and patient outcomes. It is expected that access will be extended to SAS doctors and trainees in the future.
The portal provides access to individual outcomes data and unit-level data across a range of surgical specialities. It is intended to support NHS Consultants in England as part of their personal learning and development. It provides both local and national benchmarks against which Consultants can review and access their patient outcomes, with the aim of delivering improved patient care.
Consultant urologists in over 90 Trusts in England currently have access to the data portal and have been sent an email inviting them to register and log in. If your password has expired please email NCIP using the link below.
FAQs about the NCIP Email NCIP
A webinar titled "FutureNHS - Using the National Consultant Information Programme (NCIP) to support quality improvement" was recorded on the Model Health System. The recording (including questions from the chatbox) can be accessed, as can the slides from the webinar, using the links below. You need to be logged ihto the Model Health System to view the recording.
View the "FutureNHS" webinar
View the webinar slides
FAQs about FutureNHS
Audit Reports & Publications
BAUS Cancer Registry (BCR) Reports from 1999 to 2009
BAUS Complex Operations Reports (for urological cancer) from 2004
Other BAUS audits for non-malignant conditions (PCNL and SUI)
BAUS Data & Audit Publications