Funding Opportunities
There are several funding sources available for Urolink Travel Grants (listed below):
Applications are normally considered at the twice yearly Executive Committee meetings; in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the Chair and Executive Committee, an application may be considered between those meetings. A list of potential reasons for a Urolink grant application by different grades is shown below:
- UK Medical Students - when considering a "urological" elective period abroad with some time spent with, or at, a Urolink team or workshop. Urolink does not provide funding towards elective periods which do not fit into this description.
- UK Core & Specialty Trainees - to accompany a Urolink team, or for a longer period of voluntary work overseas at a designated link centre. TUF awards for this purpose are specifically designed for UK-based trainees, or STU urologists, who are BAUS members. These are ideal for post-exam pre-Consultant trainees. See below for further details.
- UK New, Established & Retired Consultants - for an overseas visit as part of a team, or to forge new links with a department abroad which has previously been sanctioned by the Urolink committee.
- Oversee Trainees - for educational trips to UK or European meetings, or to the COSECSA annual meeting if making a presentation. Funding is usually only provided to trainees from linked centres and when their attendence is part of Urolink's strategic purpose.
- Overseas Consultants - if invited as a speaker to the BAUS Annual Meeting.
Download a grant application form
The TUF/Urolink Travel Fellowships
Click here to download a Word™ application form or use the link below to visit the funding page of the TUF website:
Apply directly via the TUF website
PLEASE NOTE: these awards are only open to UK-based trainees who are members of BAUS. All recipients of funding are asked to submit a report of their visit - please download the report template below:
Download the visit report template
BAUS will reimburse reasonable travel and hotel expenses, agreed in advance, which are for economy airfares only and for accommodation costs. Upgraded airfare costs are entirely at the traveller's expense. BAUS will not reimburse incidental costs including food and drink, or transfers to or from airports in the UK or the country visited. Its policy can be viewed using the link below.
Urolink and TUF will not usually reimburse any of your expenses until a report has been provided. The BAUS Expenses Claim Form, for agreed expenses, can also be downloaded using the link below.
Policy on reimbursements
BAUS Expenses Claim Form
Previous BAUS/Urolink Travelling Fellowship award winners
- 2021 - Nish Bedi (London)
- 2022 - Simon Huf (Reading) and Matt Trail (Edinburgh)
- 2023 - Katie Brodie (Edinburgh), Rory Ferguson (Treliske), Wilson To (London) and Danielle Whiting (Guildford)
- 2024 - Ravi Banthia (Dundee), Brendon Berry (London), Johann Boaz (London) and Mike Ng (Plymouth)
Other sources of funding for experience abroad
There are many other awards, prizes and bursaries available to support educational work overseas. Funds may also available through local hospitals, and community-based organisations. Pharmaceutical and industry colleagues have supported educational activities in the past and might usefully be approached.
Individual organisations may also be able to help, and should be contacted directly regarding available funding and the timing of any application process. A selection of organisations which can offer help with funding for overseas educational visits can be found in the website links below:
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