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Audit / Quality Improvement Competition

Foundation & core trainees are invited each year to submit a report on a urologically based audit /QuIP project of their choice.

The first author of each of the two entries judged to be the best nationally will receive a prize of £100 and guest registration for the BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, where they will each be presented with a Certificate of Merit.

Please note: only the first author will qualify for the award of a certificate; no additional certificates will be available for any other contributors to the audit.

Essay submission closed at 12.00hr on 15 Feb 2023 and is no longer available

 Rules of Competition Entry

Entry criteria

  • The first author must be a Foundation or Core Trainee (on the closing date);
  • Trainess may submit either a urologically-based audit or a quality-improvement project (QuIP);
  • The audit must have been completed within two years of the closing date;
  • The audit may be one of process, outcome or both;
  • The audit/QuIP must be urologically based;
  • If required, ethical approval should have been obtained and evidenced;
  • The audit supervisor must be a urological surgeon and a member of BAUS in good standing; and
  • Ideally, a re-audit should have been completed (or an assessment performed) to show how the changes have improved care or service provision, although this is not essential for entry.


  • The report should be submitted as a Word document (e.g. Surname.docx) via e-mail with a separate cover letter (addressed to Ms Anna O'Riordan, BAUS Educational Lead for Foundation & Core Trainees);
  • The report is no more than 1500 words (excluding the title, abstract (no more than 250 words), authors, tables, figures and references)
  • The cover letter should include the name of the first author, the deanery / hospital where the first author works, contact details (phone and e-mail), names of all the authors who have contributed to the audit report & should give details of all the authors individual contributions (note - all authors must have contributed);
  • It is regretted that only the first author will qualify for the award of a certificate and additional certificates for any other contributors will not be available;
  • The name of the institution and authors should be in the cover letter but not in the report;
  • The abstract (excluding title, an abstract of no more than 250 words, tables, figures, authors and references);
  • Figures and tables should number no more than 8 in total;
  • All references should be in Harvard style
  • The report should be double-spaced in Arial 11pt;
  • Audit reports should be in the format: Abstract, Introduction, Aims, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations; and
  • QuIP reports should be in the format: Abstract, Introduction, Aims, Measures, Changes, Methods, Results, Action, Re-assesssment and Summary.

To ensure that you have met all the required criteria before submitting your report, download the pre-submission checklist below:  

Download a PDF checklist


Audits will be judged on:

  • Relevance to clinical practice;
  • Comparison with existing literature;
  • Originality;
  • Clarity of the report;
  • Appropriateness of methodology;
  • Understanding of the audit cycle;
  • Analysis of findings;
  • Suitability of recommendations; and
  • Impact on patient care.

Further Information

Further information can be obtained from Anna O'Riordan (BAUS Educational Lead for Foundation & Core Trainees) by email. Covering letters and reports (in Word™ format) should be submitted by email, no later than the closing date:

Email Anna O'Riordan

Email your report & covering letter to BAUS

All received reports will be acknowledged. If you do not receive an acknowledgement by email, please contact the BAUS Office. It is your responsibility to confirm that your entry has been received.


2024 Competition Winner

The 2024 Audit/QuIP Competition winner was:

Shri-Ishvarya Rajamoorthy - Morriston Hospital, Swansea - pictured below receiving her award from Mr Kasra Saeeb-Parsy at the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting in Birmingham
The title of her essay is awaited


2023 Competition Winners

The 2023 Audit/QuIP Competition winners were:

Annabel Heybourne - Royal Hampshire County Hospital
Annabel's essay title was: "Urology emergency service merger: clinical audit"

Azelle Egbe - St George's Hospital
Azelle's essay title was: "An audit on the assessment and management of renal trauma at a major trauma centre"


2022 Competition Winners

The 2022 Audit/QuIP Competition winners were:

Luke Parkes - Guy's & St Thomas's NHS Foundation Trust, London South Deanery
Luke's essay title was: "Audit on the completeness of consent forms in patients undergoing urological procedures"

Ryan Beazley - Musgrove Park Hospital NHS Foundaton Trust, South West Deanery
Ryan's essay title was: "Ring that IriBell - a novel device to decrease interruptions in continuous irrigation in endourological procedures"



2021 Competition Winners

The 2021 Audit/QuIP Competition winners were:

Gemma Scrimgeour - London North Deanery. Gemma's essay was: "Male LUTS clinic: a frequent problem with an urgent solution"

Heba Hamami - North West Deanery. Heba's essay was; "How safe is it to omit prostate biopsies in patients with inflammation on multiparametric MRI?"


2020 Competition Winners

The 2020 Audit/QuIP Competition winners were:

Mei-Ling Henry - East Midlands Deanery. Mei-Ling's essay was: "An educational session with an easily reproducible simulation model improves trainee confidence with routine suprapubic catheter changes"

Caroline Bradley - Scotland West Deanery. Caroline's essay was: "Electronic referrals to endourology MDT: a quality improvement project"


2019 Competition Winners

The 2019 Audit/QuIP Competition winners, pictured below receiving their certificates from Anna O'Riordan (centre), were Teresa Marsden (left - Kent Surrey & Sussex Deanery) and Nanthesh Kiruparan (right - East Midlands Deanery):

Teresa's essay was: "A closed-loop audit of urology morbidity and mortality meetings at a UK teaching hospital - September 2018 to February 2019". Nanthesh's essay was: "Does the merger of a District General Hospital with
a tertiary urology centre shorten treatment times for acute stone disease? A quality improvement project


2018 Competition Winners

The 2018 Audit/QuIP Competition winners were Rickey Ellis (East Midlands Deanery) & George Hill (Severn Deanery).


2017 Competition Winners

The 2017 Audit/QuIP Competition winners, pictured below receiving their certificates from Mr Dominic Hodgson, were Nicholas Bullock (left - Wales Deanery) & Ola Blach (right - Kent Surrey & Sussex Deanery):


2016 Competition Winner

The 2016 Audit/QuIP Competition was won by Lucie Spooner (West Midlands Deanery).

The winner is pictured below receiving her certificate from Mr Dominic Hodgson, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth at the BAUS 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting in the BT Convention Centre Liverpool.

Lucie's audit/QuIP essay title was:
"An audit of the engagement in the 'Time Out" section of the WHO checklist in urology theatres in a district general hospital

Download a PDF of Lucie's essay


2015 Competition Winners

The 2015 Audit Competition was won jointly by Ankit Desai (Kent, Surrey & Sussex Deanery) ...

... and Natalie Hicks (East of England Deanery).

The winners received their certificates from Mr Ian Pearce, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Central Manchester University Hospitals at the BAUS 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting in Manchester Central Convention Complex.

Ankit's audit essay title was: "Optimising use of nephrotoxic antibiotics in urosepsis - a clinical & financial triumph". Natalie's audit essay title was: "Audit of elective scrotal surgery: assessing complication rate and the risk factors which affect it".


2014 Competition Winners

The 2014 Audit Competition was won jointly by Kevin Gallagher (Western General Hospital Edinburgh)

.. and Thomas Hardy (Cheltenham General Hospital)


The winners received their certificates from Mr Ian Pearce, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Central Manchester University Hospitals at the BAUS 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting in the BT Arena & Conference Centre, Liverpool.