Stone Disease Patient Advisory Section

This Group was set up in November 2009 by the BAUS Section of Endourology and included two surgeons (one of whom must be a member of the Section of Endourology Executive Committee) and five patient representatives.
The purpose of the group was to seek patients' views and advice on:
- the needs & requirements for information about stone disease
- research priorities and input into trial design & management
- service design and improved facilities for treating stone disease
The group's first priority has always been to ensure that patients with a kidney stone have ready access to valid information, and are able to find their nearest stone surgeon (often called an "endourologist") quickly & easily

I think I might have a stone ...
If you suspect you have kidney stones, use the link below for more information. The article gives background information, discusses how your condition will be assessed and explains how your stones may be managed.
Read more ...

I have some questions about my condition ...
Click the link below for FAQs. All these questions have, at some time, been raised by patients, carers, relatives and families. The answers have been assembled to give a simple but accurate summary of the underlying problem.
View frequently-asked questions (FAQs)
I need to find a stone surgeon ...
Approximately 500 surgeons specialise in Endourology for stone disease. Use the link below to find an endourologists and narrow down your search by region, hospital etc.
"Find a Stone Surgeon" on this website