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Urolink represents BAUS in Low & Middle Income Countries (LMICs) - view the "Latest News from Urolink" by clicking the "Contact Urolink" button below

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Urolink visits are now back in full swing. We will be advertising when trips are going to take place in this section, so keep watching! Use the "Contact Urolink" button above if you would like to volunteer for any of our overseas trips, or help in any other way to support Urolink's objectives. You can also join the Urolink community by ticking the Urolink box in the Background, Location and Interests page in MyBAUS/Profile. If you need help to do this click here!

Donating to Urolink

Donations from individuals are always gratefully received, as are any legacies or bequests to help Urolink in its work. Urolink's funds are held within the charitable status of the British Association of Urological Surgeons Ltd and are distributed by the agreement of the committee at its biannual meetings.

In March 2025 BAUS CEO Mary Suphi facilitated the channelling of donations to Urolink by opening a BAUS JustGiving page to help with Urolink's activities. If you are doing anything to raise donations for Urolink, and want to GiftAid the donations, then you can do that by clicking the circular button to the left of this message. Please copy the image below (Urolink donation, right mouse click) into the comments box on the JustGiving page, so that the donation is recognised as being aimed, specifically, to support Urolink


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Listening to Nick Campain interviewing Ru MacDonagh about how he became involved with Urolink, his first experiences of working in Africa, and how this developed into a career-long association with the continent. In his article "Urolink and me. Setting up the HIPZ charity", Ru explains how his association with Mohamed Jidawi in Zanzibar led to the setting up the Health Improvement Zanzibar (HIPZ) charity in 2006, and how this was the impetus to becoming a leader in Zanzibarian healthcare.

Listen to Ru MacDonagh's Podcast

Reading Steve Payne's editorial in the BJUI "What is different about urology in low-middle income countries?"This summarizes the differences in needs, disease, education, treatments and access to care between high and low, low-middle income countries, drawing on the contents of the 12 papers published by the BJUI during 2022. This series of papers can be found on the Publications page.

Read Steve Payne's editorial in the BJUI

Listening to Neville Harrison, the first Chair of Urolink, talking to Steve Payne in March 2021. This podcast tells us about how Neville first came under Africa's spell, his role in the setting up of Urolink in the 1980's, and who helped him achieve the first sustainable link to KCMC in Tanzania. A fascinating retrospective, as Urolink celebrates it's thirtieth birthday!

Learn about setting up Urolink