Executive Committee

Endourology encompasses the treatment of urinary tract stone disease, but it also includes the endourological treatment of other benign diseases of the upper urinary tract using minimally-invasive techniques.
The Section of Endourology was formed in 2002. It developed from the British Society for Endourology, which was a separate organisation independent of BAUS. The Section aims to improve standards and quality of practice within the sub-specialty by promoting training, research and development. In 2009 the Section set up a Patient Advisory Group. The Section usually organises one scientific meeting each year and oversees a series of training courses. The Executive Committee is responsible for the organisation, financial administration and running of the Section.
Members of the Executive Committee
Elected Officers
Mr Subu Subramonian - Chair
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Subu is a Consultant Urological Surgeon (and Lead for Stone Surgery) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham who joined the Executive Committee in January 2018 and was elected to Vice-Chair from 2022, taking over as Chair in 2024.
He specialises in complex stone surgery and upper tract laparoscopy. He is passionate about teaching keyhole surgery to trainees, and mentoring colleagues on all aspects of endourology. As a keen teacher and researcher, he has published more than 20 articles, two textbook chapters and a Cochrane review.
Mr Hari Ratan - Vice Chair
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Hari is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Nottingham City Hospital. He joined the Executive Committee in January 2018 and was elected Secretary from 2022.
He trained in the East Midlands and, after three years as a Consultant in Derby, he moved to Nottingham. He has extensive experience in innovative surgical procedures for kidney stone disease, including mini-PCNL and flexible ureterorenoscopy.
His other areas of interest are testicular cancer and benign disease of the prostate.
Mr Jake Patterson (Secretary)
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Jake is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield.
He was an Executive Committee Member from 2018 to 2022 and re-joined the Executive Committee in 2024 after being elected as Secretary.
Other Elected Members
Ms Kim Davenport (Member: from Jan 2023)
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Kim is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Cheltenham General Hospital and joined the Executive Committee in January 2023.
Mr Alistair Rogers (Member: from January 2023)
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Alistair is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne and joined the Executive Committee in January 2023.
He specialises in kidney stone surgery and laparoscopic nephrectomy has particular interests in teaching, research into the management of kidney stones and the urological aspects of renal transplantation.
Mr Ninaad Awsare (Member: from January 2024)
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Ninaad is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Trust in Merseyside and joined the Executive Committee in January 2024.
He works as a general Urologist with a special interest in the management of BPH and Urolithiasis, including Urolift® and metabolic stone prevention. He has been the Clinical Lead for Urology and Chair of the Cheshire and Wirral Benign Urology Area Network.
Mr Richard Hindley (Member: from January 2025)
Email Richard Richard on X.
Richard is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at the North Hampshire Hospital, Basingstoke and joined the Executive Committee in June 2023 as a representative of the general endourology community. He is the lead surgeon in the UK for Rezũm steam treatment for BPH and, in 2018, was appointed Visiting Professor of Knowledge Exchange for Winchester University in the Health and Wellbeing Research Group. He has recently been appointed as Chair of the GIRFT Academy for bladder outlet obstruction.
Mr Dhaval Bodiwal (Member: from January 2025)
Email Dhaval
Dhaval is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Nottingham University Hospitals, based at City Hospital, and joined the Executive Committee in January 2025.
Mr Rono Mukherjee (Member: from January 2025)
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Rono is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Salford Royal Infirmary and joined the Executive Committee in January 2025.
Mr Adam Bromby (Member: from February 2025)
Email Adam
Adam is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at the University Hospital of South Manchester and joined the Executive Committee in February 2025, having been elected unopposed.
Co-opted & Ex Officio Members
Miss Catherine Lovegrove (BSoT Representative: from 2024)
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Catherine is an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow (ST3) trainee at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford, with an interest in Endourology and will represents trainees on the committee. Catherine joined the Executive Committee in August 2024
Mr Shabi Ahmad (BAUS Trustee)
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Shabi Ahmad is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Sandwell District Hospital, West Bromwich.
He was appointed Honorary Treasurer Elect in June 2023 and is the Trustee's representative on this Committee.
Dr Marie Edison (BURST Representative: from Feb 2024)
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Marie is an urology registrar in London and represents the British Urology Researchers in Surgical Training (BURST) Research Collaborative. Her roles in the collaborative include education, BJUI podcasts, events, and the upcoming RESCUE project, which aims to be one of BURST’s first interventional studies to determine the diagnostic accuracy and utility of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) for the assessment of testicular torsion.
Outside work, Marie enjoys dropping from the ceiling doing aerial gymnastics, and tries not to end up as a trauma call for her colleagues. She loves musicals and occasionally makes attempts to resurrect her baking skills.
Dr Sandeep Pathak (BSUR Representative: from Sep 2023)
Email Sandeep Pathak
Sandeep is a Consultant Radiologist working with the NHS Clinical Enterpreneur Programme.
Sandeep was nominated by the Committee of the British Society of Urogenital Radiology (BSUR) as their representative on the Committee in September 2023.