BAUS Education Steering Group (ESG)

The BAUS Education Steering Group (ESG) was established in April 2024. It replaces the former BAUS Education Committee (BEC).
The BAUS Education Steering Group (ESG) provides leadership and strategic oversight across all educational activity undertaken by BAUS to ensure that the Association delivers the following outcome for Education in the BAUS Strategic Plan 2023-26 - "That members are supported to access lifelong learning in urology".
The Education Steering Group drives, supports and encourages the delivery of a comprehensive and quality educational and continuing professional development programme in urology for all levels of clinicians in urology, medical students wishing to develop a career in urology and allied healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of urological patients.
Working strategically with the the BAUS Sections, BAUS Educational Leads and co-opting additional expertise as required, the ESG facilitates an educational programme for urologists in a joined up manner to ensure its appropriateness, relevance and quality, and to avoid duplication.
The ESG is chaired by Joe Philip (President Elect and VP Education). The ESG Vice-Chair is Mo Belal (Deputy VP Education). The Secretaries of the BAUS Specialist Sections are ex-offico members:
- Vaibhav Modgil, Section of Andrology & Genito-urethral Surgery
- Jake Patterson, Section of Endourology
- Suzanne Biers, Section of Female, Neurological and Urodynamic Surgery
- Bhavan Rai, Section of Oncology
- Rickaz Raheem, Section of SAS and Trust Urologists
- Mostsafa Ragab, Section of Trainees (BSoT)
Co-opted members are Lisa Dodgshon, Felicity Reeves and Paul Drummond. The BAUS Educational Leads are invited members of the group.
The Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC) in Urology, in association with the General Medical Council (GMC), sets the necessary standards to become a qualified urologist in the UK and the Intercollegiate Specialty Board (ICSB) in Urology tests those standards through the FRCS (Urol) examination. The aim of the ESG is to ensure that adequate teaching is delivered to maintain these standards.
SAC on this site GMC ICSB
The ESG also oversees the current BAUS process for assessment and recording of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).