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From Kevin Byrnes & Arjun Nathan
Co-Chairs of BURST

"... cutting edge research & debunking fake news ..."

We are delighted to welcome you to #BURSTatBAUS this year. We have something for everyone on every day of the conference.

Monday 16 June 16.30hr

Have you ever wondered if fake news has transcended American politics and infiltrated your daily Urology practice? We’re here to do a fact-check. Hear from our experts across oncology, functional / reconstruction, male LUTS, andrology and stones as they pick apart the key research you’ve taken for granted. Before that, Professor Freddie Hamdy, editor-in-chief of BJUI, will set the scene with a keynote on the perils of misinformation in research.

Tuesday 17 June 14.00hr

This year, Manchester will host the (Research) X Factor in collaboration with The Urology Foundation (TUF). Get your buzzers ready as you hear from various contestants from across the country competing for your votes to take their innovative research ideas to the next level.

Wednesday 18 June 14.00hr

Be the first to hear the initial results from the WASHOUT study. WASHOUT aims to describe and compare the current practices of inpatient management of haematuria. We’ll start with a fierce debate about whether we’re all currently managing haematuria incorrectly. Then tune into our all-star MDT panel as they get your pulse racing by taking us through their worst cases of haematuria and how they’ve managed them.