Your Photographs

We will not be running a photographic competition at BAUS 2024, but that should not stop you from considering submission of your photographic portfolios to the BAUS Virtual Museum Art Gallery
In the BAUS Virtual Museum, we also have displays of Painting & Drawing (in Hall 1) and Sculpture, Pottery & Other Art (in Hall 2), in addition to the photography displays (in Hall 3).
So you don't need to confine yourself to photography ...
Use the link buttons below to see what others have submitted to the Virtual Art Gallery in the past:
Painting & Drawing exhibits
Photographic exhibits
Sculpture, Pottery & Other Art exhibits
All items for display in the Members' Art Gallery should be submitted as high-definition digital images (at least 700 pixels wide). You can submit as many images as you wish, but no more than eight.
We recommend that your painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery photos are taken either by an experienced photographer using a high-resolution digital camera under professional lighting conditions, or by your hospital's Medical Photography Department. Low-definition mobile phone images are not acceptable.
There is no "hanging committee" - all submissions from BAUS members will be accepted without review. To submit your images - or to ask any questions you may have about the submission process - please email us using the link below:
Email quesries about the BAUS Members' Art Gallery
Together with your submitted images, we ask that you also supply:
- a brief (2-3 line) biographical summary of yourself (although you may, if you prefer, remain anonymous);
- a brief description of each item (if you wish); and
- a statement of the copyright level required for each individual image (click here for further information about the three levels of copyright); a copyright statement will be added to all your images on publication.
Please send ONLY the digital images to us - DO NOT send the original artwork
All submitted artwork will be displayed in the BAUS Members' Art Gallery in the BAUS Virtual Museum with your requested level of copyright. Please be aware that this section of the website is open to full public viewing