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Specialist Trainee Awards

The BAUS Section of Trainees now makes three awards each year - the Silver & the Bronze Cystoscopes & the Silver Ureteroscope. The recipients of these awards, since their instigation, are shown below. In addition, we have included the recipients of  the Keith Yeates Medal, awarded each year to the outstanding candidate(s) in the Intercollegiate Specialty Examination in Urology (FRCS Urol Part II).

The Silver Cystoscope Award

This award recognises excellence in surgical training, and was instigated in 2013 by Mr Ben Grey, now a Consultant Urologist at Manchester Royal Infirmary, whilst he was Chair of SURG (now BSoT).

The Silver Cystoscope (pictured in the hands of Mr Oliver Wiseman, 2018 winner) is presented on an annual basis to the Consultant voted as the "Best Trainer" in UK & Irish urology. Since its inception, the award has been generously sponsored by Karl Storz UK.

Candidates are proposed by trainees from the UK & Ireland, and the award is voted for by the BSoT members.  The Silver Cystoscope will be awarded at BAUS 2023 to an outstanding trainer, who has gone above and beyond to consistently deliver excellent training either regionally or nationally, or to have improved training at a national level for all urological trainees.

This year's nomination deadline has passed and voting has taken place in regions where we received more than one nomination

2013 Kieran O'Flynn, Salford Royal Hospital
2014 Tim Terry, Leicester General Hospital
2015 Owen Hughes, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff
2016 Rob Pickard, Freeman Hospital ... click for presentation photo
2017 Shamim Khan, Guy's Hospital, London ... click for presentation photo
2018 Oliver Wiseman, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
2019 Herman Fernando, Royal Stoke Hospital ... click for presentation photo
2020 Hari Ratan, Nottingham University Hospital
2021 Frank O'Brien, Cork University Hospital
2022 Ian Pearce, Manchester Royal Infirmary
2023 Vish Hanchanale, Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hospital ... click for presentation photo
2024 Andrew Cliff, Wirral University Teaching Hospital

The Bronze Cystoscope Award

As part of their merger with BAUS in 2018, BSoT has introduced an award to celebrate an outstanding UK or Irish urology trainee, voted for by their fellow trainees.

The Bronze Cystoscope (pictured in the hands of Mr Philip Polson, 2019 winner) is presented to a trainee who has excelled in any area, including (but not limited to) clinical practice, academia and extra-curricular achievements.  This may be given to individuals who have, for example been outstanding mentors, charity fundraisers, scientific achievers, or have simply been hard-working, reliable colleagues deserving of recognition.

The successful trainee will be presented with the award at BAUS 2023, together with a £1000 educational grant, at the BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting. 

Trainees may nominate a trainee by providing a 200 word supporting statement using the nomination form (see below for link). Each region may nominate one outstanding trainee from their area for consideration of the award.  If required, a vote within the region will be organised to decide who gets the nomination.  The nominees chosen at regional selection will be judged by the BSoT Executive Committee.  

Since its inception, the award has been generously sponsored by Karl Storz UK.

This year's nomination deadline has passed and voting has taken place in regions where we received more than one nomination

2019 Philip Polson, West Midlands Deanery
2020 Nicholas Campain, South West Deanery
2021 Katie Chan, Peninsular Deanery ... click for photo
2022 Nadine McAuley, Wales Deanery ... click for photo
2023 David Thurtle, East of England Deanery
2024 Karthik Rajan, North East Deanery

The Silver Ureteroscope Award

In July 2023, BSoT instituted the silver ureteroscope award to recognise a Consultant Urological Surgeon who has demonstrated excellence in training for endourology.

The Silver Ureteroscope is presented on an annual basis to the Consultant voted by BSoT members as the trainer who has demonstrated excellence in teaching endourology. The first award was made in 2023.

Candidates are proposed by trainees from the UK & Ireland, and the award is voted for by BSoT members.  The Silver Ureteroscope will be presented at the annual meeting of the BAUS Section of Endourology to an outstanding trainer who has consistently delivered excellence in endourological training either regionally or nationally.

This year's nomination deadline has passed and voting has taken place in regions where we received more than one nomination

2022 Wasim Mahmalji, Hereford County Hospital
2023 Gareth Jones, Glasgow Hospitals (retired)
2024 To be notified ...

The Keith Yeates Medal

This medal was named after the former President of BAUS, Mr Keith Yeates, and may be awarded each year to the candidate(s) with the top score in the Intercollegiate Specialty Examination in Urology (FRCS Urol Part II). The award may not given every year and only truly outstanding candidates receive one.

Winners of the Keith Yeates Medal are entitled to clinical visit funding worth up to £2,000, courtesy of a grant originally funded by the Ralph Shackman Trust. In 2004, administration of the Shackman Trust was handed over to The Urology Foundation (TUF).

Awards are made at the discretion of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Urology, and The Urology Foundation notifies successful applicants about the conditions for their Ralph Shackman travel grant.

PLEASE NOTE: it is not possible, at present, to identify all recipients of the the Keith Yeatres Medal since it was instigated. The listing below contains all known recipients but is, inevitably, incomplete. We will happily update this list with further names if recipients of the medal are prepared to notify the web editor by email.

Email the editor with details

1996 Stephen Langley
2002 Jonathan McFarlane and Declan Cahill
2006 Asif Muneer and Chryssanthos Kouziefs
2007 Edward Streeter
2008 David Ross
2009 Andrew Symes
2010 Thomas Walton
2011 Jake Patterson
2015 Andrew Chetwood
2018 Edward Mains and Rebecca Tregunna
2019 Rachel Barratt
2020 Sotonye Tolofari
2021 Sophia Cashman and Ben Starmer
2022 Craig Jones, Flora Rodgers, Neha Sihra and Ross Warner
2023 Benjamin Odusanya ... read Ben's clinical visit report
2024 Clare O'Connell and Nicholas Simson ... view an image of Nick's presentation
2025 Rakan Odeh and Killian Daley