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From Arun Sahai - Chair of the BAUS Section of Functional & Reconstructive Urology

"... endourology collaboration and a re-branded name ..."

The newly branded BAUS Section of Functional and Reconstructive Urology (FRU) would like to extend to you a very warm welcome to BAUS 2025.

The FRU Committee currently consists of Suzanne Biers (Vice Chair), Magda Kujawa (Secretary), Hashim Hashim, Mahreen Pakzad, Nadir Osman, Mehwash Nadeem and James Moore. We would like to thank Andrew Kozan (BSOT rep) for his valuable contributions as he leaves the committee and welcome Ruth Doherty (executive committee member) and Sanad Saad (new BSOT rep) to the FRU family. A special mention to Mo Belal who now demits as ex-chair for his immense hard work, leadership and contributions to FRU over the last year. He continues in BAUS as Deputy VP Education and will stay in close liaison with the FRU committee.

The FRU committee have curated a programme that we hope will be of great value to all Urologists. Building on our successful joint meeting with the Section of AGUS in March this year, we have a further collaborative session with the section of endourology at this meeting.

We are honoured and grateful to have Professor Thomas Kessler (Zurich, Switzerland) and Professor Anne Cameron (Michigan, USA) as our international guest speakers this year.

Monday 18 June

We kick off on Monday afternoon with a session devoted to the management of neuropaths, for the general urologist. With Professor Kessler updating us on neuro-urology guidelines, we’ll then have advice on how to manage the more common neurological conditions from our expert panel, Alison Downey, Sheilagh Reid, Ian Beckley, Ruth Doherty and Nicholas Faure Walker.

Tuesday 19 June

Tuesday is a busy day for the section. Beginning with our annual highlights session, Marcus Drake, Magda Kujawa, Nikita Bhatt, Mo Belal and myself will provide updates on research, GIRFT service delivery, new BAUS FRU consensus documents and implant registries. This is followed by our collaboration with the endourology section concerning the challenges we face in men with mixed storage and voiding LUTS. Valuable insights will be provided by Jon Barclay, Jaskarn Rai, Laurence Clarke, Eskinder Solomon and Neil Barber.  We conclude the day with how to tackle female voiding dysfunction, guided by our international expert Professor Anne Cameron. She’s joined by Mehwash Nadeem and Mahreen Pakzad and all will discuss cases using an MDT approach.

Wednesday 20 June

Wednesday brings our aptly named “Functional urology - I’m a generalist get me out of here!” session. Our speakers, Tom King, Andy Kozan, Richard Inman will show “how to do” videos to assist us in those difficult emergency situations when dealing with ureteric, bladder and urethral injury.

This year we’re delighted to have two ePoster sessions and we are very grateful to the FRU members who scored the abstracts submitted.

In addition to our popular urodynamics and functional emergency skills courses, organised by Hashim Hashim and Sachin Malde, we have a new Sacral Neuromodulation "hands-on" course led by Mo Belal.

We are very grateful to our chairs and speakers, and we look forward to seeing you at our #FUN urology programme in Manchester this year.