To the UK for further training
You will need to be very clear about the purpose of your visit to the UK, whether you intend to do clinical work, come as an observer or simply have a non-clinical attachment. The documentation, and registration you will require will be very different dependent upon your intended role and will, consequently, vary in the difficulty in gaining access to what you require in the UK.
You must have a UK contact who can help you with all of the paperwork, together with the relevant work permits and temporary registration with the General Medical Council, the UK regulatory body for doctors, if you intend to work clinically whilst here.
Click on the logo (left) to listen to a podcast conversation between Steve Payne (BAUS Urolink secretary) and Charles Mabedi (Consultant Urologist in Lilongwe, Malawi), after the latter spent time training in the UK with Suzie Venn at Worthing.
This podcast is a great opportunity to learn about the advantages and difficulties encountered by urologists coming from LMICs for further specialist surgical training in the UK.
Overseas trainees wishing to spend a longer period of time training in the UK may wish to consider applying via the following pathways:
To other countries 'in continent' for further training
Urolink has been able to help develop urological training centres by sending colleagues to regional training centres to help enhance their surgical skills. As KCMC in Moshi has been the longest established centre, this has provided training to many colleagues in East Africa, and some funding has been available to facilitate these periods of training. Reports, and guidance, from colleagues who have undertaken such experience are listed below.
Secondment from Hawassa to KCMC: January 2022 - January 2023
Tizazu Abebayehu finished his year, on secondment, from HUCSH in Ethiopia to KCMC in Tanzania. As previously, this experience was generously funded by an anonymous donor. Tizazu's report shows how his training will help enable the three-man unit in Hawassa grow, and how it may help it become a regional training centre to disseminate urological expertise through Ethiopia.
Secondment from Hawassa to KCMC: October 2020 - September 2021
Tilaneh Leyeh finished his year, on secondment from HUCSH in Ethiopia to KCMC, generously funded by an anonymous donor from the South-West of England. His report gives great insight into the experience this has given him, the skills he can take back to Hawassa and how this may help the development of the Urology department there.
To other centres for further education/training
Urolink supported Orgeness Mwambo from KCMC in Moshi, Tanzania, to travel to Harare in Zimbabwe in December 2024 so that he could take part in the COSECSA FCS exams, but also so that he could be part of the organising committee for the first Paediatric urological workshop. Orgeness was part of the faculty that delivered a wide-raninging programme to 28 participants who apart from discussing clinical issues were able to consider specialist training for paediatric urology, something that is desparately needed in sub-Saharan Africa as well as other LMICs across the world.
First paediatric workshop Harare: December 2024