Specialty Advisory Committee in Urology

The Specialty Advisory Committee (SAC) in Urology is made up of urologists who collectively represent the surgical Royal Colleges and BAUS.
The Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST) is the parent body for all the SACs responsible for surgical specialties, plus the Core Surgical Training Committee (CSTC) and the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP).
Visit the JCST website
Functions of the SAC
Some of the key areas that the SAC is responsible for are listed below:
- Providing advice and guidance to surgical trainees and trainers, the JCST, and Surgical Royal Colleges of the UK and Ireland, and supporting the network of Training Programme Directors;
- Writing and developing the surgical curricula and syllabuses in line with the General Medical Council's Excellence by design: standards for postgraduate curricula and the Generic professional capabilities framework;
- Contributing to and participating in national selection and recruitment processes for core and specialty training entry, including revising person specifications;
- Contributing to the quality management and quality improvement of specialty training across the UK and Ireland through a network of SAC Liaison Members (LMs);
- Setting quality indicators (QIs) for the specialty training of surgeons, on behalf of the certifying and regulatory authority, the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK, and the Medical Council in Ireland;
- Providing advice through the LMs at ARCP panels, ARCP appeals and at Specialty Training Committee (STC) meetings;
- Assessing surgical trainees' requests for time Out of Programme, Acting up as a Consultant, recognition of LATs (where applicable) ;
- Setting certification guidelines in line with current curricula to aid trainees, trainers and Training Programme Directors (TPDs) in ensuring that curriculum requirements are being met, and responsible for confirming trainees have completed specialty training and are ready for certification; and
- Evaluating doctors' applications for entry on to the GMC's Specialist Register via the CESR route.
"Who's Who" in the Urology SAC
Find out who the SAC members are (and who they represent) or get further details of sub-specialist training centres (and who can be contacted for more information) by clicking on the links below (or using the right-hand menu):
View the UK map Sub-Specialty Training Posts Training in Paed Surgery