Medical Students' Home Page

The Educational Lead for medical students (undergraduates) is Mr Ben Ayres (pictured right), Consultant Urological Surgeon at St George's University Hospital, London.
Email Mr Ben Ben on X
BSoT also has a Medical Student Representative, Yehia Abdelmotagly, on their Executive Committee.
Email Yehia
BAUS Aims for Medical Students
BAUS wishes to achieve three things for medical students:
- To raise the quality of urological care, including;
- timely & appropriate referrals of urological conditions from community & acute settings;
- reduced iatrogenic (e.g. catheter-related) harm & missed diagnoses; and
- effective, evidence-based initial management of common conditions by junior doctors
- To increase medical student interest in urology as a career choice, with the ultimate aim of increasing the urological workforce; and
- To facilitate medical students' interest in urology as a career by maximising their potential & development.
To encourage medical students to take a more in-depth interest in urology, BAUS has recently introduced a scheme that allows medical students to become special members of BAUS.
Apply for Medical Student membership of BAUS
PLEASE NOTE: Student membership is only open to medical students from medical schools in the UK & Republic of Ireland: it is not available to overseas medical students.
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Medical School Educational Leads
Undergraduate Urology Syllabus