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A list of subspecialty training slots compiled by the SAC

Subspecialty training is frequently undertaken in the final year of training. The directory below has been compiled by the SAC to enable trainees and trainers to identify suitable posts across the UK that provide comprehensive experience within which an individual can acquire appropriate exposure and develop their subspecialty interest.

Each Training Programme Director (TPD) was asked to submit details of posts within their region which they would consider suitable to rotate one of their senior trainees into should they wish to undergo subspecialty training.

Each region has specific strengths in regard to the subspecialisation offered and it is possible that a trainee may elect to organise out-of-region training, further to an agreement between TPDs.

The majority of these posts are funded within the regional training rotation as NTNs; the term "fellowships" has not, therefore, been used here since there are connotations of independent funding or of post-CCT training etc which may be confusing and unhelpful in the context of this information.

In future, there are plans to evaluate the data relating to these posts (including logbook activity), to initiate a comparative database and to assess the potential credentialling process.

Current list of available training slots

PLEASE NOTE: not all of these attachments are NTN posts

East Midlands

Leicester General Hospital - Female / Reconstruction / NeuroUrology (NTN)
Nottingham City Hospital - Stones (NTN)   |   Upper tract laparoscopy (NTN)   |   Pelvic laparoscopy (NTN)

East of England

Addenbrooke's Hospital - Renal cancer/RPLND (NTN)   |   Robotics   |   Bladder cancer (NTN)   |   Paed urology
Norwich University Hospital - Stones (NTN)  |   Female urology

London North (North Thames)

Royal Marsden Hospital - Oncology (NTN)
UCLH - Andrology (NTNT)   |   Female/Reconstruction/Neururology (NTN)   |   Stones (NTN)
Charing Cross Hospital - Laparoscopy (NTN)
Royal Free Hospital - Laparoscopy & transplant (NTN)
Great Ormond Street Hospital - Paed urology (NTN)
Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford - Laparoscopy & robotic

London South (South Thames)

Guy's Hospital - Laparoscopy/Robot (NTN)   |   Stones (NTN)
King's College Hospital - Laparoscopy (NTN)
Eastbourne District Hospital -  Laparoscopy (NTN)
Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford - Brachtherapy    |   Laparoscopy

North East

Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle - Paediatric urology (NTN)
Freeman Hospital - Endourology (NTN)   |   Female urology (NTN)   |   Oncology (NTN)

North West (Merseyside & Cheshire)

Arrowe Park Hospital - Prostate oncology (NTN)
Royal Liverpool Hospital - Oncology (NTN)

North West (Manchester)

Salford Royal Hospital - Oncology
Christie Hospital - Oncology & robotics
Royal Preston Hospital - Laparoscopy/Oncology
Stepping Hill Hospital - Laparoscopy/Oncology
Manchester Children's Hospital - Paediatric urology

Northern Ireland

Belfast City Hospital - Laparoscopic oncology (NTN)

Scotland East

Western General Hospital, Edinburgh - Stones/Endourology   |   Laparoscopy (NTN)   |   Female & reconstruction (NTN)
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary - Endourology (NTN)   |   Oncology & laparoscopy

Scotland West

Gartnavel Hospital, Glasgow - Complex renal surgery/laparoscopy (NTN)   |   Pelvic oncology/RPLND/penile cancer (NTN)   |   Female & reconstruction (NTN)
Southern General Hospital, Glasgow - Neurology/reconstruction (NTN)   |   Andrology (NTN)   |   Endourology/stones (NTN)   |   Oncology/laparoscopy (NTN)
Wishaw Hospital - Laparoscopy

South Central (Oxford)

Churchill Hospital - Stones   |   Oncology/robotics (NTN)   |   Endourology/laparoscopy (NTN)
Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading - Oncology/robotics (NTN)   |   Female/reconstruction (NTN)
Buckinghamshire Hospitals - Oncology (NTN)

South Central (Wessex)

Southampton/Portsmouth - Oncology (NTN)
Southampton/GOS - Paediatric urology
Portsmouth - Laparoscopy & endourology (NTN)
Salisbury - Neurourology (NTN)

South West

Southmead Hospital, Bristol - Oncology   |   Oncology/endourology
Bath - Laparoscopy
Exeter/Plymouth - Oncology (NTN)
Plymouth - Endourology/andrology (NTN)
Cheltenham - Oncology (NTN)


Swansea - Laparoscopy/oncology/female (NTN)
Cardiff - Oncology (NTN)
Royal Glamorgan - Andrology (NTN)
Royal Gwent, Newport - Laparoscopy/endourology (NTN)

West Midlands

University Hospital, Birmingham - Oncology (NTN)   |   Paediatruc urology
University Hospital, North Staffs - Oncology (NTN)

Yorks & Humber (North)

St James's, Leeds - Endourology (NTN)   |   Oncology (NTN)   |   Female urology (NTN)   |   Paediatric urology (NTN)
York - Female urology (NTN)
Pinderfields Hospital, Wakefield - Oncology/endourology (NTN)

Yorks & Humber (South)

Royal Hallamshire, Sheffield - Oncology (NTN)   |   Endourology (NTN)   |   Andrology (NTN)   |   Reconstruction (NTN)
Northern General, Sheffield - Reconstructon
Doncaster - Oncology   |   Reconstruction
Rotherham - Endourology
Chesterfield - Endourology