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Visit Details and Reports

PLEASE NOTE: all recipients of funding are asked to submit a report of their visit, using a Word template supplied by Urolink (downloadable using the button below). All reports are converted to PDFs before publication, and open in a new browser window

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Visits within the last 4 years

Urogynae Workshop, Lilongwe, Malawi - February 2025

Brendan Berry and Mayur Gami accompanied Suzie Venn, Tamsin Greenwell and Nikesh Thiruchelvam to Malawi in February as part of their TUF, and Cambridge Global Health Partnership, Fellowships. By the end of their visit, Malawian colleagues had successfully developed competence in performing basic urodynamics, urethral bulking, rectus fascial slings and clam cystoplasty, marking significant progress, However, long-term sustainability depended on the continued identification and management of appropriate patients, as well as the ability of local surgeons to integrate these newly learnt techniques into their already demanding workloads.

Paediatric surgery workshop, Lilongwe, Malawi - January 2025

Ram Subramaniam  returned from another hypospadias workshop in Lilongwe having continued to help mentor Charles Mabedi and Amaryllis Mapurisa in both simple and complex uro-genital surgery. Ram's report demonstrates just how far our colleagues in Malawi have come over the last three years with fairly intense mentoring, and how, apart from the most complex cases are largely self-reliant in managing this incredibly important aspect of their practice.

 COSECSA FCS exams, Harare, Zimbabwe - December 2024

Mary Brown, Steve Payne and Suzie Venn travelled to Harare, Zimbabwe, for the COSECSA FCS (Fellowship) clinical exams. After arriving from different points on the globe, there was a formal briefing of the purpose of the exams and a standard setting meeting of an international group of examiners from 7 countries, before the exam the following day. Although there were no clinical cases, the exam covered a substantial amount of the COSECSA urology syllabus. All 5 candidates were successful and Nakavizya Janet Nshinka, from Ndola, won the gold medal for the best overall performance in the written and clinical tests. Many congratulations to her and all of the candidates presenting for this prestigious award.

Reconstructive workshop at KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - November 2024

Paul Anderson and Suzie Venn travelled to KCMC to help mentor, and upskill the local team in complex posterir urethral surgery as well as less complicated anterior urethral reconstruction. 15 cases, including a very complex posterior urethral injury presenting with a fistula in the thigh, were undertaken in the week.

First Emergency Urology Simulation Bootcamp - Hawassa, Ethiopia - November 2024

Tilaneh Leyeh, together wth Shekhar Biyani, organised a simulation bootcamp about urological emergencies for general surgical residents at HUCSH at the end of the stone workshop. Together with two local colleagues, two consultants from the Urological Society of Ethiopia (USE) and four UK urologists, they presented a comprehensive programme of knowledge-based teaching and practical simulation of the management of ureteric injuries, testicular torsion, priapism and penile fracture. It is hoped that this course may become endorsed by COSECSA to help disseminate good urological practice to the many general surgeons who are seeing urological patients in their country's emergency setting.

First Urolink percutaneous stone surgery workshop at HUCSH, Hawassa, Ethiopia - November 2024

Will Finch and Matt Trail made their frist visit to Hawassa to build the experience of the local team in PCNL, and endoscopic management of upper tract stone disease. Over four days, with Graham Watson's, Shekhar Biyani's and Steve Payne's help, they undertook 11 percutaneous procedures, of differing levels of complexity, resulting in complete success for 9 patients. This report also outlines how mid and early years consultants can help in Urolink projects You can read Will and Matt's views by clicking on their names!.

Scoping visit to St. Paul's Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - November 2024

Steve Payne visited St.Paul's Hospital In Addis Ababa at the invitation of Prof. Masresha Solomon, the current unit head. Masresha outlined the situation since funding from the Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation was withdrawn in 2020, and the effect this had on the provision of specialist surgical services, and especially urology. St. Paul's has a big department and a lot of residents but would like help with mentoring in endoscopic upper tract stone surgery and posterior urethroplasty. Addis is a vibrant city with a really good travel hub which could be an ideal stop off point for Urolink teams journeying through East Africa.

First percutaneous stone surgery workshop at KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - July 2024

Danielle Whiting spent her TUF Fellowship at KCMC as part of the first percutaneous nephrolithotomy workshop, between 1st and 12th July 2024. Dani emphasises the difficulties there were in bringing a higher tech procedure into an LMIC healthcare environment, and the clinical challenges that are awaiting their application.  She also experienced, in the raw, the differences between what we all expect within the NHS and what is available in circumstances that are even more resource depleted. Dani’s report is a great example of the benefits of a TUF fellowship to urologists at the beginning of their careers.

Scoping visit to Ndola Teaching Hospital in Ndola, Zambia - April 2024

Nick campaign made a scoping visit to Ndola in the Copperbelt region of northern Zambia. Together with Simon Mukosai and Dr Mumba Chalwe, Nick was able to evaluate the needs, the capabilities and the future requirements of the Ndola Teaching Hospital (NTH). He left with very positive impressions of how Urolink could assist in the development of this centre due to the dynamism and positive attitudes of both the consultants leading the service, and the enthusiasm of the younger surgeons who were delivering the service there. This has led to the adoption of Ndola as another Urolinked centre!

Endoscopic stone surgery visit to HUCSH in Hawassa - April 2024

This visit was made in conjunction with Urolink by Dr Pedro Campillo (Hospital Universitario del Vinalopo, Elche, Alicante, Spain) to bring them up to speed with minimally invasive stone surgery. Despite the difficulties with getting the CT arm & equipment that we normally expect for minimally-invasive stone surgery, a huge amount was accomplished. During 13 theatre sessions over 3 weeks, 14 PCNL procedures and 13 ureteroscopies were performed.

Scoping visit to Mengo Hospital Kamplala, Uganda - March 2024

Shekhar Biyani travelled with the Friends of Mengo Hospital Committee, a group based around the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) to Mengo Hospital, a faith-based hospital in Uganda's capital Kampala. Shekhar and his colleagues made great progress - solid discussions with a very receptive management team and medical director about provision of a urological service - starting with employment of a Consultant Urologist to provide basic endoscopic surgery.

Urogynaecology Workshop, Lilongwe - February 2024

Suzie Venn, Tamsin Greenwell and Nikesh Thiruchelvam visited Charles Mabedi and colleagues, with UK trainees Ala’a Sharaf and Wilson To, to carry out the first planned Urogyne workshop in Lilongwe. Over 5 days, a series of activities, formal teaching, operating and setting up of a urodynamics machine were carried out. After the visit there are plans to hold monthly urogynae MDTs between the UK and Malawi, and the team plan to revisit KCH in a year's time.

Rory Ferguson's KCMC Teaching Fellowship at KCMC, Moshi Tanzania - February 2024

Katie Brodie's KCMC Teaching Fellowship at KCMC, Moshi Tanzania - February 2024

Katie Brodie and Rory Ferguson made trips to KCMC with Suzie Venn to help develop both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and to experience the differences there are in working in a low-low-middle income healthcare environment. They also soaked up some of the cultural experience offered during TUF fellowships. 

COSECSA FCS Examinations , Addis Ababa - December 2023

Suzie Venn and Mary Brown attended the COSECSA Fellowship exams in Addis Ababa in December. 13 candidates passed the exam and Linda Kayange, from Lilongwe, Malawi was awarded the gold medal for the best performing entrant.


14th Lester Eshleman Reconstructive Workshop, in KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - November 2023

Wilson To's KCMC Teaching Fellowship at KCMC, Moshi Tanzania - November 2023

Paul Anderson, Ram Subramaniam,  David Dickerson, Steve Payne and Suzie Venn travelling with TUF/Urolink fellow Wilson To, to the 14th Lester Eshleman Workshop, in KCMC Tanzania, where the workshop's main focus was on adult and paediatric reconstruction. This normally biennial event had not happened for 4 years as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and was, sadly, overshadowed by the very sudden death of Professor Kien Alfred Mteta during the week.

Teaching experience in KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - May 2023         

Read Matt Trail's visit report to KCMC, generously funded by TUF as part  of Matt's 2022 Fellowship with the charity. Matt's enthusiasm to teach as part of this visit, as well as his  experiences during clinical, and cultural, exposure are evident. He also took the opportunity of taking in some of the beauty of Tanzania in the foothills of mount Kilimanjaro. A great exemplar of the benefits TUF is bringing to global urology, by exciting trainees to experience the provision of help in healthcare environments in low, and low-middle, income countries.

Scoping visit to four centres in Hanoi, Vietnam - May 2023

Maxine Tran, Hannah Warren, Dimitrios Volanis, Darrell Allen and Angeline Shoniwa travelled to Hanoi Vietnam in May 2023 courtesy of the UCL Global Engagement Fund. This preliminary visit was successful in establishing links between UK Urology and four major urological centres, VietDuc, HMU, Bach Mai and National Cancer Hospitals. Although technologically more advanced than many centres in sub-Sharan Africa, there are many differences in care provision and methods of training that could be helped by Urolink. 

UroGynae scoping visit to Lilongwe - April 2023

Suzie Venn, Nikesh Thiruchelvam and Tamsin Greenwell visited KCH and the Freedom from Fistula Hospital in Lilongwe to scope out how Urolink could help colleagues improve the situation regarding women's health in Malawi. Although the focus has previously been on the management of obstetric fistula, it is now recognised that there is a large unmet need for successful treatment of female urinary incontinence. The team, including gynaecologists Priscilla Phiri-Mwanza and Ennet Chipungu, and Charles Mabedi, have come up with a four-point plan to help education, training and skills to help with incontinence problems for women in Malawi. 

Urology Bootcamp 22 to Kisiizi Hospital, Uganda

Simon Huf, one of the 2022 TUF Fellows, spent some time in Kisiizi, Uganda, helping the local surgeons improve their skills with endoscopic prostatic surgery. Simon's report demonstrates how important basic infrastructure, such as funding and electricity, are in rural locations and how the local charity has helped overcome these constraints. Simon's report also demonstrates, first hand, the importance of a motivated local champion such as Dr. Paul, as well as showing how frugal innovation is used on a continual basis to maintain irrigant supplies, and how local carpenters constructed an endoscopic stack!  

John F Kennedy Medical Centre (JFKMC), Monrovia, Liberia - September 2022

Zeeshan Aslam spent 6 days understanding the overall healthcare system in post-conflict Liberia, as well as supporting endoscopic urological training and strengthening surgical services at the John F Kennedy Medical Centre (JFKMC) . Visits were also made to the Redemption Hospital, the only fully public sector hospital, and the Liberian office of the WHO, where he discussed sustainable surgical care and universal health coverage (UHC) as part of the RCSEd Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare (FRRHH) initiative. Strong foundations for establishing a urological training programme were laid with Dr Ayun Cassel, the only fellowship-qualified urologist in Liberia. 

Kamuzu Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi, Paediatric "Camp" - February/March 2023

Ram Subramaniam and Steve Payne joined Charles Mabedi and his paediatric surgical colleague Amarylis Mapurisa for the first pure paediatric surgical camp for Urolink. The trip was supported by Bip Nandi, Amarylis's colleague. Over four days, a large variety of hypospadiac abnormalities were corrected together with a whole variety of disorders of sexual differentiation. There was so much work that a further camp is already being contemplated for later this year. 

Scoping visit to Black Lion Hospital, Addis Ababa - February 2023

Ram Subramaniam and Steve Payne carried out a scoping visit to meet with the paediatric surgeons at the Black Lion Hospital in Addis with a view to a formal link. The meeting with Dr Woubedel Kiflu and Prof Miliard Derbew was extremely warm and productive, and a formal link seems highly likely to follow. A joint workshop is being considered in Addis for March 2024.

Reconstructive workshop, Hawassa, Ethiopia - February 2023

Paul Anderson, David Dickerson and Steve Payne returned to Hawassa for their fourth reconstructive camp in Hawassa in February. This was a successful camp with a large number of urethral reconstructions being done by the much expanded "home team" of Getch, Tilaneh and Tizazu. There were, however, a number of personal and logistic issues that beset our travellers. Problems with baggage management and "travellers tummy" confirmed that there are many difficulties facing people working out of the UK!

TPBx workshop, Lusaka, Zambia - November 2022

Nishant Bedi travelled to Zambia with Shekhar Biyani and ran a workshopteaching trans-perineal prostatic biopsy in Lusaka as his 2021TUF/Urolink Travelling Fellowship. Nish describes how to go about setting up training for a new service in a completely different healthcare environment, and has sound advice for other senior trainees contemplating something similar in the future.  

COSECSA Examinations, Windhoek, Namibia - December 2022

Suzie Venn travelled to Windhoek to examine in the COSESCA Urology Fellowship exams. This was the first face-to-face set of exams since 2019, had a large cohort of candidates, the majority of whom successfully passed the exam.

Reconstruction "Camp", Kamuzu Central Hospital, Lilongwe, Malawi -  June 2022

Paul Anderson, Steve Payne and Suzie Venn visited Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) to help Charles Mabedi with complex posterior urethroplasty, and a number of other reconstructive issues. KCH is a large hospital in a country with Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and has a massive patient load. There are plans to increase the urology department's activity. 


Visits between 4 and 10 years ago

Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialised Hospital, Ethiopia - March 2020

David Dickerson & Adi Manjunath visited Hawassa to carry out further instruction in complex urethroplasty; they found new personnel but still some issues with equipment & infrastructure.

BKL Walawalkar Hospital, Dervan, Maharashtra, India - January 2020

Madhavi Natarajan, an ST5 from the South London Deanery, visited BKL Walawalkar Hospital, a charity hospital in Dervan, Maharashtra, with the Shree Vitthalrao Joshi Charities Trust (SVJCT). She worked at the hospital for a week and did some teaching with the associated university students at BKL Walawalkar Medical College.

COSECSA Examinations, Kampala, Uganda - December 2019

Steve Payne and Suzie Venn travelled on from the 13th Lester Eschleman workshop at KCMC in Moshi, Tanzania (see item below)  to examine in the COSESCA Membership and Urology Fellowship exam with Mary Brown and Charles Mabedi. Nic Ngowy from KCMC was the candidate awarded the gold medal for the best performance in the exams.

13th Lester Eshleman Workshop, KCMC, Tanzania - November 2019

David Dickerson, Rob Haines, Struan Gray, Steve Payne, Ram Subramaniam, Phil Thomas, Mike Wanis, Suzie Venn & husband Richard visited KCMC for the 13th Jacob Lester Eschelman workshop. A separate trainees' report (from Struan Gray and Mike Wanis) is available by clicking here

Lusaka, Zambia - June 2019

Paul Anderson, David Hernandez & Matthew Hong visited Lusaka to support the local Consultants in consolidating basic urethroplasty skills, and to encourage more complex work involving the posterior urethra. Teaching on a variety of topics was also organised to include clinical case presentations by Zambian trainees followed by a short lecture.

Kigali, Rwanda - 5 to 7 December 2018

Suzie Venn and Charles Mabedi (a UK Fellowship trainee) attended the COSECSA  Annual Meeting in Rwanda and helped out with the Membership and Fellowship  examinations. 

Hawassa, Ethiopia - 24 to 27 November 2018

Paul Anderson, Shekhar Biyani, David Dickerson, Steve Payne & Ram Subramaniam visited Hawassa to carry out urethroplasty and some paediatric urology.

KCMC, Tanzania, "PCNL in Tanzania, A Unique Experience" - 7 to 11 May 2018

Aasem Chaudry & Dominic Teichmann trained Consultants and junior staff in rigid ureteroscopy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

Lusaka, Zambia - March 2018

Jon Cartledge & Jeremiah Mudonhi (Senior ODP) returned to Lusaka to focus TURP training on a key individual in the University Teaching Hospital team, and to review/reinforce nursing support in the urology Theatres.

Kisiizi, Uganda - 9 to 12 December 2017

Rebecca Hillier & Adam Jones visited Kisiizi to perform TURPs, bilateral subcapsular orchidectomies and some open prostatectomies. They found some equipment & supply problems (particularly with irrigating fluids), they operated on 35 patients and still had time to visit the mountain gorillas of Bwindi.

Mozambique - 3 to 5 December 2017

Philip Thomas and Suzie Venn visited Mozambique for the COSECSA examinations and to attend the COSECSA Annual Meeting, where several possible developments for Urolink were aired.

Lusaka, Zambia - 14 August to 5 September 2017

Dominic Teichmann visited the University Teaching Hospital where he found no permit had been arranged for him to work clinically, and poor organisation/communication within the urology firms. His visit was restricted to examining logistics and resulted in many suggestions for improvement, based on his interactions with one committed, open-minded Consultant.

Dakar, Senegal - 13 to 17 March 2017

Zeeshan Aslam visited the Hôpital General de Grand Yoff for the first laparoscopic workshop. With two other surgeons, they carried out laparoscopic varicocele repair, radical nephrectomy, simple nephrectomy, pyeloplasty & de-roofing of a renal cyst.

Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialised Hospital, Ethiopia - Dec 2016

Shekhar Biyani visited HUCSH with Suzie Venn, Paul Anderson, David Dickerson & Steve Payne to understand urethral stricture patterns & management in Hawassa, to assess support for the management of urethral stricture and to assess progress on TURP.

Lusaka, Zambia - April 2016

Paul Anderson, David Dickerson and Suzie Venn visited Lusaka, Zambia for a urethroplasty workshop to develop the skills of local surgeons in a procedure rarely performed in Zambia.

Lusaka, Zambia - 27 Feb to 5 Mar 2016

Shekhar Biyani, Jon Cartledge (a late replacement for Jaimin Bhatt) & Nick Campain visited the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka to support the first Zambian TURP Masterclass.

11th Lester Eschleman Urology Workshop, KCMC, Tanzania - 23 to 27 Nov 2015

James Gellister (with Suzie Venn & Phil Thomas) reports on the biennial workshop. This year, the workshop was also visited by John Reynard and his support staff for a focus on spinal injury & rehabilitation.

Hawassa, Ethiopia - 1 to 12 March 2015

Shekhar Biyani (together with Thomas Smith & Graham Watson) visited the College of Medicine and Health Sciences School in Hawassa, Ethiopia to find impressive skills development since his last visit.

Nairobi, Kenya - 22 to 27 February 2015

Shekhar Biyani visited The Nairobi Surgical Skills Centre in Kenya, for the urology module of a multi-level teaching course, "Management of Surgical Emergencies".

Nairobi, Kenya - 12 to 17 October 2014

Nick Campain & Shekhar Biyani visited The Nairobi Surgical Skills Centre in Kenya, for the urology module of a multi-level teaching course, "Management of Surgical Emergencies".

Dakar, Senegal - August 2014

Graham Watson visited Dakar in Senegal, with Alexandra Zachou, where he initiated the process of PCNL and generously donated equipment on loan for the urologists to continue with this  procedure.

Banjul, The Gambia - August 2014     

After leaving Dakar (see above), Graham Watson then travelled on to Banjul where he identified and resolved issues with equipment which could be used for urology but had not been made available to the regular staff.

Kisiizi, Uganda - 2 to 6 June 2014

Adam Jones visited Kisiizi Hospital for the fifth time in his career and managed to get hold of some endoscopic equipment by a variety of means. He has promised that he will return in 2015, this time with his family.


Visits 10 or more years ago

Lusaka, Zambia - 19 to 25 October 2013

Shekhar Biyani oversees multi-level training for healthcare workers in surgical & theatre nursing skills to achieve better outcomes following emergency surgery.

Hawassa, Ethiopia - 12 to 17 October 2013

Shekhar Biyani, accompanied by Chandrasekharan Badrakumar, visits Hawassa to teach basic endoscopic surgery including cystoscopy, urethrotomy & TURP.

10th Lester Eshleman Urology Workshop, KCMC, Tanzania - 18 to 22 Nov 2013

Aditya Manjunath, ST5 in the South West Deanery, reports on the biennial week-long workshop. This year, the workshop focused on spinal injuries and reconstructive urology, the latter being Mr Manjunath's specific interest area.

Moshi/Dakar - September 2013

Alexandra Zachou attended the Lester Eshleman Reconstructive Workshop in Moshi, Tanzania  under a Urolink-BAUS Scholarship and then visited Hoggy Hospital in Dakar, Senegal.

Nairobi, Kenya - May 2013

Shekhar Biyani, accompanied by Baskhar Somani, visits Nairobi to teach on the management of  surgical (including urological) emergencies. The text includes feedback from the attendees.

Iraqi Kurdistan - 4 to 19 September 2012

Christine Evans visits Duhok, in Iraqi Kurdistan, to meet up with an UK trainee and a local              Consultant, previously a trainee during Christine's earlier visits.

Hawassa, Ethiopia - 17 to 25 March 2012

Shekhar Biyani pays a return visit to The College of Medicine and Health Sciences School of Medicine, Hawassa, Ethiopia. Dr Catherine Royce from Arba Minch also visited Hawassa.

Zimbabwe & Zambia - November 2011

Christine Evans reports from Zimbabwe & Zambia with her daughter, Ruth. In Zimbabwe, Christine supervised MMed surgical trainees and, in Zambia, examined for F Urol as well as receiving an Honorary Fellowship of her own.

9th Lester Eshleman Urology Workshop, KCMC, Tanzania - 20 to 25 November 2011

Suzie Venn & Phil Thomas report on the biennial, week-long workshop. This year, the workshop focused on spinal injuries and the visiting faculty included a team from Stoke Mandeville.

Workshop, in association with ASGBI, Lusaka, Zambia - 19 to 21 October 2011 

Shekhar Biyani and Jaimin Bhatt join a team from ASGBI delivering a new five day course for surgical residents on the management of surgical emergencies.

KCMC Hospital, Tanzania - August to September 2011

Oliver Kayes, a year 6 SpR, reports on his 6-week visit. Oliver has also provided a supplementary report - A Urologist Abroad - Messages from Moshi contains a lot of information about KCMC. There is also a list of useful advice and tips for planning trips, a photographic record and Oliver Kayes's personal diary.

The Gambia - April 2011

Hussain Alnajjar reports on his 1-week visit to the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, Banjul, Gambia with James N'Dow and George Fowlis.

Hawassa, Ethiopia - March 2011

Shekhar Biyani, Jaimin Bhatt, Joby Taylor and Sister Denise Ellis visit The College of Medicine and Health Sciences School of Medicine to assist the local surgeons in developing skills in basic endourological procedures and to run a two-day workshop on Basic Endourology Skills.

Nigeria and Cameroon - February 2011

Sam Osaghe, from Pilgrim Hospital, Boston visited The University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Edo State, Nigeria; The University College Hospital, Oyo State, Nigeria; and Our Lady of Love Catholic Hospital, Cameroon.

Hawassa, Ethiopia - March 2010

Shekhar Biyani, from Pinderfields Hospital Wakefield, describes his visit to a 200-bed hospital in Ethiopia which serves a population of 17 million people.

Lusaka, Zambia & Monze, Kenya - November 2008

Jaimin Bhatt & Christine Evans visited the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka & Monze Mission Hospital in Monze, Kenya. Christine continued to Mozambique and her reflections on the whole trip can be found here.

Zanzibar - Sep 2006   

Ru MacDonagh visited Zanzibar to prepare for the construction of a small hospital & dispensary on the island as part of the HIPZ programme. He met members of the government and local residents, as welll as unexpectedly acquiring a highly-qualified architect to aid in the construction.

KCMC, Tanzania - July 2006

Neil Harris, Urology Trainee in the South West Region spent the month of July 2006 working at Kilamanjaro Christian Medical Centre. He assisted at routine surgery, participated in the teaching programme & gained useful experience in open urological surgery.

KCMC, Tanzania - May/June 2006

Katherine Kennedy visited KCMC to teach, consolidate her overseas urological experience and set up a computerised database of adverse surgical events.

San Fernando, Trinidad - April 2006

Mike Kellett, Consultant Uroradiologist in London, visited Trinidad to pass on his vast experience of gaining percutaneous access to the kidney for endoscopic stone surgery.

Lusaka, Zambia & Harare, Zimbabwe - Nov/Dec 2005

Christine Evans travelled to Lusaka, Zambia and then on to Harare, Zimbabwe to lecture, examine in urology and and to perform some complex operative surgery.

Muhimbili, Tanzania - Nov 2005

Christine Evans visited Muhimbili National Hospital to help in the COSECSA MCS and FCS examinations. She found problems with some of the approaches to running the examinations, and made recommendations to improve the process.

Freetown, Sierra Leone - Nov 2005

Steve Garnett visited the Aberdeen Clinic & Fistula Cantre in Freetown to learn more about vesicovaginal fistula, a common condition in Africa with immense social repercussions, but rarely seen in the UK.

Iraqi Kurdistan - Sep/Oct 2005

Christine Evans visited Duhok, Sulaiman & Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan and overcame signiicant travel problems to perform complex reconstructive surgery in all three units. This was Christine's final overseas trip.

Tanzania - Jun/Jul 2005

Ater an earlier sabbatical in Tanzania, John McGrath visited Selian Lutheran Hospital (to establish a new link with the urology unit), Shighatini Lutheran Dispensary (to oiversee the building of a new operating theatre) and KCMC (to deliver basic surgical equipment and carry out endoscopic surgery).

Wad Medani, Sudan - Mar 2005

Ismail Khalaf visited Wad Medani Hospital, the only major urological centre outside the capital, Khartoum, and the only hospital available to those with little or no money, serving a population of almost 5 million. He found an impressive, dedicated urology/nephrology unit providing high-quality care free of charge.

Christian Medical College, Vellore, India - Oct to Dec 2004

Following an elective period at CMC Vellore, Trevor Dorkin re-visited the unit at the invitation of Nitin Kekre, Professor of Urology in Vellore.

Iraqi Kurdistan - Aprt/May 2004

Christine Evans visited Erbil, Duhok & Suilaiman in Iraqi Kurdistan and performed a variety of common procedures (TURP, TURBT, optical urethrotomy) as well as some complex urinary reconstruction (suprapubic repair of vesiciovaginal fistula). 

Mnazi Moja Hospital, Zanzibar - late Jan 2004

Ru MacDonagh returned to Mnazi Moja Hospital to support Dr Mohammed Jiddawi, the sole Consultant by reinforcing his training and replacing his unserviceable equipment. Dr Jiddawi had previously received training in endoscopic urology, including transurethral resection of the prostate, but had become de-skilled due to repeated equipment failures.

Mnazi Moja Hospital, Zanzibar - early Jan 2004

Mac McIvor, KeyMed representative, visited to Mnazi Moja Hospital, Zanzibar to prepare the ground (and the endoscopic instruments) for the arrival of Ru MacDonagh (see above).

5th Lester Eshleman Workshop, KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - Nov 2003

Danny Painter, Specialist Registrar in the South West Deanery, accompanied Phil Thomas to KCMC for the workshop which focused on reconstructive urology and intersex disorders. 

Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi - Sep 2003

Christine Evans travelled for the first time to Malawi to teach and perform reconstructive surgery.She then moved on to Zimbabwe & Zambia to meet up with Professor Chris Lavy, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, to discuss the COSECSA examinations. 

University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia - Sep 2003

Ahsanul Haq was joined by Christine Evans at the end of her trip to Malawi & Zimbabwe (see above) and spent his time operating & assisting at surgery, often performed for "end-stage" pathology. 

KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - Apr 2003

Neil Haldar visited KCMC to set up a formal twinning arrangement between Oxford and KCMC. He was accompanied by Griff Fellows, a retired urologist, Jeremy Crew, Consultant Urologist, Wendy Edmundson, urology theatre sister, Kokila Laku, paediatric surgeon and Peter Sullivan, paediatrician. 

Zambia - Apr 2003

Neville Harrison visited 11 hospitals in Zambia at the invitation of the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA), to assess surgical training and, at the same time, to find out more about their local urology services.

Iraqi Kurdistan - May 2002

Christine Evans visited Duhok, Salaimi & Erbil to perform large numbers of complex procedures and to deliver equipment, printers etc to various hospitals.

Banjul, The Gambia - Apr 2022

Mike Bishop, accompanied by George Fowlis, Sean Vesey and Jhumur Pati (George Fowlis's SpR), transported a large quantity of equipment to Banjul and assisted several major procedures involving reconstructive surgery.

KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - Feb 2002

Nilay Patel with Neil Haldar, Jeremy Crew & Mark Sullivan were invited to participate in daily ward rounds, outpatient clinics, radiology meetings and in the operating theatre. 

Zanzibar & Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania - Jan 2002

Mark Woodward, SpR in Paediatric Urology in Bristol, visited Zanzibar with Guy Nicholls, Consultant Paediatric Urologist. They saw children with hypospadias (two of whom had had previous surgery) and then 11 children with urethro-cutaneous (UC) fistulae. These were of varying degrees of severity, but were all the result of religious circumcision.

University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia

Christine Evans, accompanied by Patrick Duffy, Ken Queen, Derek Rosario and Nigel Sammon performed multiple complex procedures during their visit. 

Zanzibar & KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - Oct/Nov 2001

Jonathan Rees, Research Fellow in Taunton visited the Department of Urology at Mnazi Moja Hospital in Zanzibar, before joining up with the Urolink Party for the Urology Workshop at KCMC in Northern Tanzania (see above). 

Christian Medical College, Vellore, India - Sep/Oct 2001

Andrew Cliff was offered the chance to perform some open procedures, in particular live-donor nephrectomy, but found it more useful to "wander" between the adjacent theatres, thereby enabling him to see most of the urological procedures he had not seen during four years of training in the UK. 

All India Insitute of Medical Studies, New Delhi, India - Jul 2001

Prokar Dasgupta visited AIIMS on a fellowship, specifically to study laparoscopic urology, in which Indian surgeons have played a pioneering role. 

KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania - Nov/Dec 1999

Patrick Cutinha visited KCMC as a trainee to take part in a urethroplasty workshop, overseen by Chris Chapple, Neville Harrison, Philip Thomas and Pat Malone.


PLEASE NOTE: the views expressed in these reports represent personal observations by individual contributors; they do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Urolink Executive Committee, or the views of BAUS itself

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