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BAUS has launched four groups of webinars, each with a different educational lead, to help meet education needs across the whole spectrum of BAUS membership.  These webinars are for healthcare professionals only.

Click on the "Buzzsprout®" logo (left) to listen to a 30-minute podcast, chaired by Tim O'Brien, President of BAUS, in which the educational leads for each group explain their aims

Brief details of each series, and a provisional list of scheduled webinars for each, can be seen by clicking on the appropriate dropdown header below.

Each webinar will last approximately 1 hour.  Attendees will be able to log into their account and view a recording after the event - we aim to upload recordings within 3 working days of the event.

The list of webinars will be updated as session dates are confirmed.  Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for details of new webinars as registrations become available. In the meantime, please "save the date" for those webinars you wish to attend.

We have a system that differentiates between member & non-member registrations for webinars in all but the fourth heading below - there is no charge for BAUS members, but non-members will be asked for payment. All "Innovations in Urology" webinars are free to BAUS members and non-members alike

1. Controversies in Urology (Educational lead: Sunjay Jain)

Introduction by Sunjay Jain, Consultant Urological Surgeon, St James's University Hospital, Leeds

Busy clinicians need access to the latest information to help with best management of their patients, but they often don't have much time to keep up-to-date. The controversies series aims to update topical subjects in an engaging way. A variety of formats will be used, including expert viewpoints, debates and case discussions. The priorities in planning this series have always been to cover areas that will appeal to all urologists, whatever setting they work in, and to ensure high-quality by inviting recognised leaders, both British and international, in their field."

We have come to the end of the latest series of "Controversies" webinars. Webinar recordings from 2020 onwards can be accessed from the e-learning archive page by clicking here


2. Innovations in Urology (Launched by: Oliver Wiseman) 

Introduction by Oliver Wiseman, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge:

We are delighted to continue our BAUS, industry-sponsored, webinar series. The series aims to give companies a channel through which they can showcase their latest technology, techniques and products (or evidence related to them) directly with our members. This, in turn, will allow our members to stay at the forefront of developments within our rapidly-changing speciality.

There are numerous launches of new technologies that companies will be excited to share, together with new evidence relating to existing treatments.

"We will be running one webinar each month. They will be supported by an individual company, and will likely be related to a particular technology, therapy area or patient pathway.  We hope that BAUS members will see this as an exciting opportunity to stay up-to-date with advances in Urology."


3. Clinical Quality (GIRFT) & Audit (Andrew Dickinson, John McGrath & Kieran O'Flynn)

These webinars are focussed mainly on issues related to "Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT)" and the "National Clinical Improvement Programme (NCIP)".

No "Clinical Quality & Audit" webinars are currently scheduled. Webinar recordings from 2020 onwards can be accessed from the e-learning archive page by clicking here