East Midlands Urological Society

The East Midlands Urological Society (EMUS) was established to promote the best urological care for our patients in the East Midlands and to encourage both clinical and basic scienctific research.
EMUS aims to promote the sub-specialisation of urology by actively engaging in regional sub-specialist MDTs.
Furthermore, the Society interacts with BAUS in a dynamic way, sharing audits through the BAUS Audit and Data Project and providing BAUS with the views of the regional membership with regard to postgraduate training and clinical practice.
The history of EMUS
The society's inaurgural meeting was held on 17 March 2010 at Kilworth House, Leicestershire.

Previously, urology in the Trent Region was represented by the Trent Urology Group (TUG). The change from TUG to EMUS reflects the regional representation of BAUS through the SHA/Deaneries, rather than using the old Health Authority Areas. Sheffield was originally a member of TUG but is now with Yorks & Humber, and we have incorporated Northampton into East Midlands from the old Oxford Deanery.
Historically, TUG worked in an autocratic manner with a Chairman appointed by the regional urologists for a 5-year term. The responsibilities of the post amounted to organising regional meetings at various base hospitals every 6 months and acting as Secretary to the regional urology training programme 6-monthly for the RITA / ARCP assessments.
As attendance at 6-monthly meetings became more difficult as a result of time pressures, it was decided to have one AGM centrally. Now, a whole day is set aside for presentations from both Consultants and trainees. Indeed, the trainee session is assigned its own timing and the best paper is awarded a prize (formerly the Gordon Bryden Prize, now the EMUS Trainee Medal, pictured right).
Previous EMUS Meetings
Wed 25 Sep 2013
The winner of the EMUS medal was Jonathan Noel, a CT2 from Leicesterfor his work on dynamic sentinel node sampling in penile cancer. |
2013 meeting programme |
Wed 14 Mar 2012
The winner of the 2012 EMUS Registrar prize was Mr Nauman Zafar for his work on urine cytology. |
2012 meeting programme |
Wed 2 Mar 2011
The winner of the 2011 EMUS Registrar prize was Mr Ben Sherwood with his excellent talk on the management of ureteric stones in pregnancy. |
2011 meeting programme |
Wed 17 Mar 2010
No further details available. |
2010 meeting programme |