From Subu Subramonian - Chair of the BAUS Section of Endourology
"... an expert perspective for everyone on the full range of endourological topics ..."

We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone back in Manchester for what looks to be an excellent BAUS 2025. There is a wide variety on offer from the Endourology section this year, covering the breadth of our subspecialty, including stone disease, BPH and upper tract urothelial cancer.
We hope that the eight Endourology-themed sessions running will offer something to all the membership to stimulate your interest! Additionally many of the BAUS guest lecturers this year are from an Endourology background, to further broaden the section’s offer this year!
Monday 16 June
From 14.00 to 15.30hr, our panel of UK and international experts will share their experience in the endourological management of upper tract urothelial cancers, including ways to optimise endoscopic management and pathways for this high-risk patient cohort, as well as a further update from the BAUS iDunc audit. This looks to be an excellent session summarising the endourologist’s role in these cases as well as including some cases and discussion around these.
Following this, (16.30 to 17.30hr) we have the return of “as-live” video surgery to the Endourology programme, with a selection of advanced modern BPH treatment cases in a “How I do it” session. We will be covering Aquablation, ThuFLEP and LA Rezum treatment which will be new to many, with time for questions and interaction with our expert panel.
Tuesday 17 June
Tuesday is a busier day, with the first of four sessions being the first of our poster sessions (08.00 to 09.00hr), showcasing a variety of different topics including stents, lithotripsy and other topics. Later in the morning (11.30 to 12.30hr), we have what looks to be a fascinating session on “What to do with the recurrent stone former”, covering everything from metabolic assessment to genetics, and when to follow patients up after treatment. Again, our expert panel will be able to answer your questions so bring them along!
The afternoon kicks off with the second of our poster sessions (13.30 to 14.30hr), focusing this time on ureteroscopy, morbidity and infections. This again promises to be a lively session with lots of debate! The final session of the day (16.30 to17.30hr) presents a fascinating session on “Developments in Endourology – an international perspective”, three fabulous international speakers covering topics as diverse as PCNL in low-resource settings, guidelines development and collaborative research. Hopefully very thought-provoking, and definitely a session not to be missed!
Wednesday 18 June
If Monday and Tuesday haven’t slaked your thirst for knowledge, we have two further sessions on Wednesday, starting with an excellent session on “Endourology dilemmas for the general urologist” (11.30 to13.00hr). This is a real gem of a session covering a whole range of thorny issues which we all see regularly on-call and in clinics, presented based on cases. Topics for this session include what to do with incidentally discovered small stones, stones in pregnancy, incidental urothelial tumours during endoscopic surgery, as well as encrusted stents and tips for looking after long-term nephrostomies, as well as how to diagnose or investigate upper tract obstruction in stented patients!
If you are not completely exhausted after that, we have our final poster session of the meeting later in the day (14.00 to15.00hr) rounding our programme off with posters on a huge range of topics from PCNL to genetics, via service design and management!
We hope you agree that this looks like an exciting and packed programme, with something for everyone in a true #GoTeamEndo style, and we are all very much looking forward to seeing you in Manchester, for an excellent meeting and to catch up with friends old and new.