Subspecialty Training

UK-Based Fellowship Posts
Nationwide, there are a number of positions recognised as offering subspecialist endourology training. Many of these are occupied by NTN holders and, as such, are currently only available to trainees in that region or to inter-deanery transfers (with approval). Some, however, are non-NTN Fellowship positions.
The SAC has compiled a list of subspeciality posts which includes all areas of subspecialisation. For further information on specific posts, please contact the relevant hospital or deanery.
View the list of subspeciality posts
We wish to compile our own list of national and international, endourology fellowship posts that are available for senior UK trainees through competitive entry, to further their experience either as an OOPT / OOPE or post CCT. If you are aware of any suitable posts, or would like to write a report on a fellowship that you have done, please e-mail the section editor, Matthew Bultitude.
Overseas Fellowship Posts
PLEASE NOTE: this section is for information only. Its contents, and the attached documents, do not necessarily reflect the views of the committee or section, nor do they have the section's endorsement. Posts may change over time and other fellowships, not listed here, may become available

James Forster has compiled a list of overseas fellowship posts, with some information about the posts which may be of interest to UK trainees.
Download James's report
Email James Forster

The University of California Irvine (UCI) offers one-year International Fellowship posts in minimally invasive urology.
Further details