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Under The Knife

Surgical stories from around the world

This book by Mr Gulzar Mufti, retired Consultant Urological Surgeon, was reviewed in November 2016 by Mr Mark Speakman, Past President of BAUS.

Mark Speakman describes it as "... a thought-provoking and very readable book, which describes the many clinical and non-clinical episodes in the author's much-travelled life during a varied and successful surgical career ..." and offered the opinion that "... there is much that we can all learn from this novel, as it charts both a personal journey and, to some extent, the development of modern surgical and urological practice ...".

He also says that " ... reading this will allow surgeons to reminisce and reflect on their own practice over the years. The narrative reports clinical events from colleagues around the world, describing their surgical adventures and anecdotes in a wide range of surgical conditions ..."

Mark Speakman's full review      Further information from the publishers

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