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2021 Isle of Wight

The 2020 meeting was unavoidably postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but was re-arranged by Suzie Venn & Phil Thomas for 20 to 22 October 2021 at the original scheduled venue (The George Hotel, Yarmouth, IoW).

On the first evening, members dined casually and cooked their own food on hot stone platters in the local restaurant "On The Rocks". The second and third mornings were devoted to presentations (see tables below) and, on the second afternoon, members enjoyed a hike across Tennyson Down (below) in glorious sunshine with spectacular views of The Needles, Alum Bay, Freshwater Bay & the English mainland. The final night's dinner was held in the restaurant of The George Hotel.

Club members cresting Tennyson Down en route to The Needles

Those giving presentations during the scientific sessions - held at the Royal Solent Yacht Club - are listed in the two tables below:

Suzie Venn, Consultant Urologist, St Richard's Hospital, Chichester Women in surgery
Professor Nick James, Professor of Clinical Oncology, Institute of Cancer Research & The Royal Marsden Hospital, London Lessons from the STAMPEDE trial
Kevin Shaw, Local & family historian, Yarmouth, IoW Sir Ernest Shackleton
Bruce Montgomery, Freedom to Speak Up Guardian & Emeritus Consultant Urological Surgeon, Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey Time to think
Richard Venn, Consultant in Anaesthetics & Intensive Care Medicine, St Richard's Hospital, Chichester Beyond Shipman
Steve Payne, Emeritus Consultant Urological Surgeon, Manchester: BAUS Honorary Secretary & Web Editor for Urolink Burnout and the BAUS survey
Nigel Bullock, Emeritus Consultant Urological Surgeon, Cambridge & BAUS Website Editor The BAUS photographic competition

Some photos of the event in Yarmouth, and of the venue itself, are displayed as thumbnails below. Click on an individual thumbnail to view the image in full-screen and then use the "Back" button/arrow (on a computer) or swipe right (on a smartphone/tablet) to return to this page.

If you have images (or any other information) that you would be happy to add to this page and share, please contact the Web Editor by email using the link below:

If you have images (or any other information) that you would be happy to add to this page and share, please contact the Web Editor by email using the link below:

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