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Edwin Beer

1876 - 1938

Pioneer in papillary bladder tumours

Edwin Beer was born and raised in New York.

He studied in Prague, Vienna and Berlin before becoming Chief of GU Surgery at Mount Sinai.

From 1910 onwards, he pioneered the endoscopic treatment of papillary bladder tumours.

Papers and articles about Edwin Beer

Edwin Beer died in 1939.

Read his obituary

Biographical Article
In 2005, Harry W Herr wrote an article on the life and career of Edwin Beer

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Papers and articles by Edwin Beer

Management of Papillary Bladder Cancer
Removal of neoplasms of the urinary bladder. A new method employing high-frequency (Oudin) currents through a catheterizing cystoscope. Beer E. JAMA (1910); 54: 1768

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