Britain's first endourologist
Edward Canny Ryall was an Irish urologist working in London in the early 20th century at All Saint's Hospital, London.
Canny Ryall funded the building of All Saint's Hospital out of his own pocket. He was particularly interested in the newly-introduced endoscopic surgery which was being popularised in America.
From the 1920s, he was treating bladder tumours and enlarged prostates using endoscopic cauterisation. It is highly likely that Canny Ryall and his assistant Terence Millin were the first surgeons to carry out TURP in the UK.
This autograph is from a copy of his beautifully illustrated 1925 book, "Operative Cystoscopy" (pictured right).
Canny Ryall's book on Amazon Famous Urologists' Room
Source of the Autograph
This autograph comes from a dedication that Canny Ryall inscribed inside a copy of his book, "Operative Cystoscopy". The dedication is to Dr Nigel Corbet Fletcher and is dated October 1926. Dr Fletcher was Surgeon-in-Chief of the St John's Ambulance Brigade.

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