The living witness programme aims to record the recollections and experiences of pioneering clinicians who have helped to shape the practice of modern urology.
These clinicians have been interviewed by Dominic Hodgson as part of a journal series called "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants". Their recollections have been recorded here for the education and enjoyment of contemporary (and future) urologists.
So far, three other key urological figures, sadly all of whom are no loinger with us, have been interviewed. Read their interactions using the links below:
John Blandy David Innes Williams Richard Turner Warwick

John Wickham worked at Bart’s and at The Institute of Urology London. He was a pioneer of PCNL, rigid ureteroscopy and laparoscopic urology & has been called one of the "godfathers" of robotic urological surgery.
View the full text of this interview
Hear John Wickham talk about lasers & ureteroscopes
John Wickham died on 26 October 2017 at the age of 88.
Read his obituary on the EAU website
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