Reed Nesbit & John Blandy

Reed Nesbit
Pub: Charles C Thomas, 1943
Reed Nesbit was one of the early pioneers of TURP. This book is a classic textbook of TURP technique. There is also a chapter on the early history and development of the resectoscope.
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John P Blandy, Richard G Notley, John M Reynard
Pub: Taylor & Francis, 2005
This seminal work by John Blandy and his collaborators, first published in 1971, set the standard for transurethral surgery for a generation of urologists.
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That Silly Operation - Introduction of TURP into GB
Jonathan Charles Goddard
Pub: BAUS, 2019
A Museum of Urology Booklet published for the 2019 BAUS Annual Meeting in Glasgow.
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Hermon C Bumpus
British Journal of Urology 1932; 4(2): 105 - 121
Hermon Bumpus was an American Urologist at the Mayo Clinic. This paper was read before the Detroit Urological Society on 17 March 1932 and was a summary of TURP so far.
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