Ronald Ogier Ward DSO OBE MC
First President of BAUS
Ronald Ogier Ward was born in London into a prestigious medical family.
He joined the army as a medical student and served with distinction during the First World War, winning a Military Cross and the Distinguished Service Order.
He worked at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London and St Peter's Hospital until the Second World War, when he commanded a surgical unit in France; he received an OBE for his service at the Dunkirk evacuation.
View Ronald Ogier Ward's medals on this website
He was an advisor to HM Government during the introduction of the new National Health Service, and became the driving force behind the formation of BAUS; in 1945, he became the inaugural President of BAUS.
His signature was sourced in 1945. For more detailed biographical information, go to his entries in the Famous Urologists' Room or in Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online.
Famous Urologists' Room Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online
Source of the Autograph
Ronald Ogier Ward's autograph was sourced from the official photograph taken on his election to President of BAUS in 1945. The source remains in the archive at the BAUS Offices in the Royal College of Surgeons.

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