The 1965 Punch Club meeting was hosted by Walter Mimpriss at St Thomas' Hospiutal (pictured below), London from 25 to 26 February.

The summary programme and details of the presentations given are shown in the tables below:
All members |
Discussion on X-rays |
Mr M Lee Thomas & Mr RW Lloyd Davies |
Difficulties in diagnosis of renal neoplasms |
Mr J Vinnicombe |
Localisation and treatment of urinary tract infections |
Mr KED Shuttleworth |
Retroperitoneal fibrosis |
Mr TW Mimpriss & Mr KED Shutttleworth |
Two cases of carcinoma of deep urethra |
Dr Norman Jones |
Uses of mannitol in surgery |
Mr JG Smart |
Clinical survey of urinary infections in women |
The Punch Club black-tie dinner was held in the Staff Room of St Thomas' Hospital, commencing at 19.45hr
Mr KED Shuttleworth |
Experiences with the micturating cystogram |
Dr Norman Jones |
Renal polycythaemia |
Mr TW Mimpriss & Mr RW Lloyd Davies |
Diagnosis of carcinoma of prostate and treatment other than hormone therapy |
Mr J Vinnicombe |
The uses and dangers of EACA (epsilon amino-caproic acid) |
Mr J Vinnicombe, Dr Norman Jones & Mr RW Lloyd Davies |
Dialysis in chronic renal failure |
All |
Dscussion on X-rays |
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