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BAUS 1954 Dublin

The 1954 BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting was held from 24 to 27 June 1953 at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St Stephen's Green, Dublin (pictured upper right).

This was BAUS's first visit to the Irish College, established by Royal Charter in 1784.

Meeting Programme

Download the programme & minutes of the AGM

Other Information

The Annual Dinner took place in the Royal Hibernian Hotel, attended by 110 members and guests.

On 25 June, the main topic of discussion was "Irradiation therapy in urology". In the evening, the President and Council hosted a cocktail party at the Gresham Hotel, followed by a Dinner-Dance attended by 134 members and guests.

Further short papers were read on 26 June and, in the afternoon, members visited St Luke's Hospital to view its new Radiotherapeutic Centre.

Finally, Mr Terence Millin, the BAUS President (pictured lower right), and his wife opened their house in County Cork to members for a garden party.

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