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Sir Henry Thompson Bt.

Urologist & polymath

Sir Henry Thompson was brought up in Framlingham in Suffolk.

He became a specialist surgeon in urology even before the specialty developed.

He was the surgeon who finally removed the bladder stone of Leopold, King of the Belgians.

He was a famous polymath (that's someone who knows lots about a wide variety of things: Ed) and had many interests outside urology. These included collecting porcelain, motor cars, breeding chickens, writing novels, fine dining and many others.

For more detailed biographical information, and to read about his many other interests, go to his entries in the Famous Urologists' Room or in Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online, using the links below:

Famous Urologists' Room      Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online

Source of the Autograph

Sir Henry Thompson's monogram was found below a dedication to Kate Oliver in the frontispiece of a first edition of the novel "All But". Pen Oliver, author of the novel was, of course, the nom de plume of Thompson himself. Kate, to whom the novel is dedicated, was one of Thompson's three children (two daughters and a son) with his wife Kate Loder, a highly talented pianist.  

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