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Sir Eric W Riches

Designer of an integrated cystoscope

Sir Eric Riches was born in Lincolnshire, attended Christ's Hospital School and qualified in medicine at The Middlesex Hospital.

He served in the infantry during the First World War and won the Military Cross in 1917.

View Sir Eric Riches' medals on this website

In 1955, he described the integrated Riches cystoscope which continued to be very popular until the introduction of the Hopkins rod lens system.

He was elected President of BAUS in 1951 and received a knighthood in 1958.

His autograph was sourced from 1951. For more detailed biographical information, go to his entries in the Famous Urologists' Room or in Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online, using the links below:

Famous Urologists' Room       Plarr's Lives of the Fellows Online

Source of the Autograph

Sir Eric Riches's autograph was sourced from the official photograph taken on his election to President of BAUS in 1951. The source remains in the archive at the BAUS Offices in the Royal College of Surgeons.

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