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St Phillip's Hospital London

Institution for venereal disease

Hospital - St PhilipsSt Phillip’s Hospital was originally built in 1903 as the Strand Union Workhouse Infirmary. In 1919, it was bought by the Metropolitan Asylums Board and opened in 1920 as a hospital for women suffering from VD, when it was known as the Institution for Venereal Disease or Sheffield Street Hospital.

In 1952, it was renamed St Philip's Hospital and joined the St Peter's and St Paul's group, "the 3 Ps". St Philip's dealt with chronic urological & nephrological diseases, and had 57 beds.

It closed in 1992, at the same time as St Peter's and St Paul's, with all nephrology services moving to the Middlesex Hospital.

From the time of its foundation, it was made clear that the new hospital was

 ... not for the prostitute class or for persons convicted in police courts for soliciting or other offences, but for girls who had followed soldiers from the country or who have been infected as a result of an occasional lapse into immorality ...

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