The 2013 BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting was held from 17 to 19 June 2013 at Manchester Central Convention Complex (pictured upper right), Windmill Street, Manchester.
This was the 5th visit of BAUS to the city's main conference facility.
President's Welcome
BAUS President, Mr Adrian Joyce, offered the following welcome to members and guests attending the 2013 meeting:
On behalf of the Council of The British Association of Urological Surgeons, I am delighted to welcome you to our Annual Scientific Meeting at Manchester Central. Again this year's programme features leaders in urology from the UK and around the world whose contribution makes this meeting so valued and BAUS, through Andy Thorpe – our Honorary Secretary, has made a positive effort to incorporate many leading overseas urologists into the programme.
We are again delighted that the Sections of Academic Urology, Andrology & Genito‐Urethral Surgery and Female, Neurological & Urodynamic Urology will be holding their respective Annual Meetings on Monday 17 June. Following the success of previous years, the Sections have had a major influence on the Programme Committee in developing the scientific sessions for the rest of the week. The aim is to give you, the delegates, a comprehensive overview of the latest in urology.
Following feedback from previous meetings we have made a fundamental change to the Thursday programme, which we think will be universally welcome. We have decided to have a strong programme with an international flavour; the day will include the AUA and BJUI plenary sessions, the inaugural Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Guest Lecture culminating in the BJUI Guest Lecture and the IBUS symposium. The meeting will finish at 14.00hr.
Tamsin Greenwell, Director of the BAUS Office of Education, has produced an excellent programme of Teaching and Skills Courses with the introduction of many new skills courses this year. Places are limited, and do go quickly, so please book early to avoid being disappointed.
The Welcome Reception will be held in the Exhibition Hall at 18.00hr on Monday 17 June and will provide an additional opportunity to visit the exhibition stands. The main social event on Wednesday 19 June will be a visit to the Museum of Science and Industry (pictured right). We will have exclusive use of the venue where delegates can enjoy drinks and canapés in relaxed surroundings.
I would also particularly like to express our appreciation for the very generous support the Association receives for the Annual Meeting (as well as our activities more widely) from the pharmaceutical and equipment industries. I hope you will show your appreciation by visiting the stands in the Exhibition Hall during the week. We have, once again, scheduled times in to the programme to allow you to spend time visiting the exhibition.
In closing, I would like to offer my especial thanks to the Organising Committee, the BAUS Section Chairmen, Secretaries and Committee Members, our Abstract Reviewers and, in particular, Andy Thorpe, the staff in the BAUS Office (especially Hannah Doyle, Events Manager and Louisa Batts, Events Assistant) and Bob Tolley (Exhibition Manager) for the enormous amount of work that has gone into planning this meeting.
I look forward to seeing you at the Meeting ...
Meeting Abstracts
To review abstracts of the presentations given at the conference, download the following PDFs:
Papers | Posters | Unmoderated Posters
Jonathan Goddard's presentation on "Ronald Ogier Ward - War Hero" is also available using the link below:
Ronald Ogier Ward
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