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Cheselden Medal

A gift from Sir Eric Riches

Since the formation of BAUS in 1945, a variety of objects has been presented to the Association. These objects are rarely used and, because of space constraints and security issues, they are not usually on display in the BAUS London offices. We have, therefore, displayed them in the Museum so that the kind gifts of individuals and organisations can be viewed by everyone.

The Cheselden Medal was presented to BAUS by Sir Eric Riches at the Fifth Annual General Meeting in London on 30 June 1949. It has been mounted on a bronze and wood stand.

The Chesleden medal was founded by George Vaughan in 1829 and was awarded by St Thomas's Hospital to 4th year students in practical surgery.

It was designed by William Wyon, Chief Engraver at the Royal Mint from 1828 and pre-eminent medallist of 19th century England. The original silver medal die is held in the British Museum.

The medal is named after William Cheselden, the famous 18th century surgeon and lithotomist, who was a "full" surgeon at St Thomas's Hospital in London.

Read more about William Cheselden on this site

The dedication reads: "Presented to The British Association of Urological Surgeons by E.W. Riches the First Secretary".

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