1942 - 2021
Obituary by Derek Fawcett, past-President of BAUS
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Andrew Pengelly (always known to his colleagues as AWP) on 25 March 2021 after a short but progressive illness. We are grateful to Derek Fawcett (past-President of BAUS & colleague of AWP) for this obituary:
Andrew Pengelly was greatly respected as a doctor, surgeon, communicator and medical manager.
In 1980, he was appointed Consultant Urological Surgeon to the Royal Berkshire and Battle Hospitals in Reading and became the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust's first Medical Director.
He was never happier than when talking to his patients, and he always brought a conservative view to their urological management.
He was most generous with his time and advice and was, above all, a very good listener and communicator.
He was highly regarded by the many SHOs and registrars who worked with him.
He will be greatly missed by friends and colleagues alike, who regard it as a great privilege to have known him.
Plarrs Lives of the Fellows Online

Andrew in his much-loved garden
© Victoria FitzGerald 2021 - all rights reserved
(reproduced by kind permission of Victoria, one of Andrew's daughters)
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