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Willie Mack

Expert in male infertility and renal tuberculosis

William Sommerville Mack was born in Glasgow on 29 February 1908 and graduated from Glasgow University in 1930.

He was senior assistant in the urology department of the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, for 20 years before being appointed surgeon in charge of the urology unit at the Western in 1954. In addition, he was urologist to the Royal Beatson Memorial Hospital, Glasgow. visiting urologist to Stonehouse Hospital and Bellshill Maternity Hospital, Consultant Urologist to Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow, and an honorary Clinical Lecturer in Urology at Glasgow University.

Willie Mack was a founder member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons, and President in 1970. He was also a past President of the Section of Urology of the Royal Society of Medicine.

His interests in the field of urology included male infertility, renal tuberculosis and bladder tumours. He was said to be very well read and well informed, and was possessed of a tremendous zest for life and a great sense of humour. His annual account to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of the activities of the Marriage Guidance Council was described as both a masterpiece of puckish humour and a movingly sincere story.

Sadly, he died only days before the 1970 Glasgow meeting of the British Association of Urological Surgeons, at which he should have occupied the presidential chair.

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