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A History of 'bladder' in Urology:

Thomas Hollier

1609 - 1690

Skilled lithotomist who operated on Samuel Pepys

William Cheselden

1688 - 1752

Protagonist of suprapubic stone removal

Sir Henry Thompson

1820 - 1904

Extraordinary polymath and expert urethral stone surgeon

Sir Francis Cruise

1834 - 1912

Performed the first successful endoscopic treatments

Roman Catheter

1st Century AD

Double curved for males

Silver Catheters

19th Century AD

For dilating urethral strictures

Sir Peter Freyer

1852 - 1921

Popularised litholapaxy & transvesical prostatectomy

Frank Kidd

1878 - 1934

Co-founder of the British Journal of Urology in 1929

Cuthbert Dukes

1890 - 1976

Known for his classification of cancer of the rectum

Arthur Jacobs

1899 - 1974

Widely recognised as "the father of urology in Glasgow"

Willie Mack

1908 - 1970

Expert in male infertility and renal tuberculosis

Roman Medicine

753BC - 554

Influenced by Europe & Asia

Celsian Method (Apparatus Minor)

Only two instruments needed

High Approach

1561 - 1723

Cheselden's forte



From candlelight to xenon & laser light

Interstitial Cystitis


Bladder pain syndrome

Transurethral Bladder Stone Treatment

936 - 1928

From Ammonius to present day lasers

All Saints' Hospital London

1911 - 1986

Founded by Edward Canny Ryall

Norfolk and Norwich Hospital

1771 - 2003

An early "stone" hospital

Freyer Evacuator


Modification of Bigelow's extractor

Ellik Evacuator


Still in use today

Edwin Beer

1876 - 1938

Pioneer in papillary bladder tumours

Interstitial Cystitis

1887 - 1997

First described by Skene

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