The 1996 Punch Club meeting was hosted by Nigel Bullock in Cambridge from 10 to 11 October.
Members were welcomed by Annie & Nigel chez Bullock on the evening of 10 October and were accommodated in the Garden House Hotel, with its stunning location overlooking the River Cam. **
The scientific sessions both took place in the Addenbrooke's Clinical School whilst the accompanying persons enjoyed a guided walking tour of Cambridge (shown above, including the Senate House and Gonville & Caius - Steven Hawking's College).
Presentations given in the scientific sessions, held in the Postgraduate Centre at Addenbrooke's Hospital, are shown in the table below:
Mr Bill Turner, Consultant Urologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
Calman training - carrot or stick? |
Dr Chris Allen, Clinical Dean, University of Cambridge Medical School & Consultant Neurologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
Innovation in the Cambridge clinical course |
Dr John Bradley, Consultant Nephrologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
Polycystic kidney disease |
Dr Lawrence Berman, Consultant Radiologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
Innovations in urological ultrasound |
Mr Nigel Bullock, Consultant Urologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
"Do-it-yourself" information technology |
Dr Robin Moseley, Consultant Histopathologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
Urology under the microscope |
Mr Andrew Doble, Consultant Urologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
Ice, sir ... ice, madam ... |
Dr Gareth Williams, Consultant Pathologist, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
DNA replication licensing & human cell proliferation |
Mr Richard Batstone, Research Registrar in Urology, Addenbrooke's Hospital |
The immunology of chronic prostatitis |
Mr Robert Whitaker, Emeritus Consultant Paediatric Urologist & Lecturer in Anatomy, University of Cambridge |
A pot pourri of peculiar & puzzling penises prepared for the Punch Club - the shape of things to come |
On the second afternoon, members and their partners were transported to the Imperial War Museum (IWM) Duxford, where they lunched in the Officers' Mess and then split into two groups for a guided tour of the Museum. This included the stunning new American hangar (pictured below), devoted entirely to American aircraft and the airmen of the USA who gave their lives in the Second World War.
Notably, both the IWM guides were former fighter pilots during the war, which gave their commentaries added resonance.

The Punch Club dinner was held on the second evening in the dining hall of Robinson College, Cambridge, one of the newest Cambridge colleges, founded by the entrepreneur who also bankrolled the building of the Rosie Maternity Hospital on the Addenbrooke's site.
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** The hotel had hit the national headlines in February 1970 when a protest against the Greek military junta by a group of students (marshalled by the then President of the National Union of Students, Jack Straw, abetted by two left-wing activists, Tariq Ali & Peter Hain) turned to violence, resulting in damage to the hotel and injury to several individuals, including policemen.
Several students were "sent down" from university, but some were charged with various offences, convicted and sentenced to imprisonment by the notorious Judge Melford Stevenson - the punishments were regarded as extremely harsh for what were, in truth, relatively minor misdemeanours. They were, however, almost certainly designed pour décourager les autres (i.e. as a warning to other potential protesters).
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