The 1966 Punch Club meeting was hosted by George Harrison in Derby.

A 1966 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud 2 convertible - an iconic car built in Derby
Members were accommodated at the Midland Hotel, Derby. The scientific presentations took place at Derbyshire Royal Infirmary and are listed in the table below. The black-tie Club dinner on the Monday evening was held in the dining room of tthe Midland Hotel, Derby.
All |
Discussion & X-rays (in the Radiology Dept) |
Dr HL Matthews |
Hypertension: aldosterone & the kidney |
All |
Case discussions |
Mr DFL Watkin |
Clinical trial with local EACA |
Mr JL Williams & Mr BS Crawford |
Urethral strictures |
All |
** Live surgery in adjoining operating theatres (parathyroidectomy, ureterolithotomy, prostate surgery & cystoscopy) |
Local surgeons & anaesthetists |
Demonstration of cases (in the Intensive Care Unit) |
Dr BM Laurance |
The haemolytic uraemic syndrome |
Dr KJ Gurling |
Practical aspects of magnesium metabolism |
Mr FG Hollands |
Recent advances in the study of bird migration and the use of radar |
** This is thought to be the last time a Punch Club meeting in the UK involved members watching surgery in the OR |
Club members in 1966
The full list of members (and their places of work) is shown below:
PUNCH CLUB MEMBERS (as of 1966) |
Martin Claridge (Canterbury)
Philip Clark (Leeds)
Jerry Fergusson (London)
George Harrison (Derby)
David Innes-Williams (London) |
John MacDougall (Wolverhampton)
Walter Mimpriss (London)
Tommy Moore (Manchester)
Ronnie Reid (Colchester)
Joey Robinson (London) |
Cosbie Ross (Liverpool)
Richard Shaw (Coventry)
Henry Hamilton Stewart (Bradford)
John Swinney (Newcastle)
John Vinnicombe (Portsmouth) |
To the right is a contemporary photo - taken at the 1967 meeting of the Société Internationale d'Urologie (SIU) in Munich - of Tommy Moore (L) and George Harrison (R).
Mark Harrison (George's son, like his father before him, a former Honorary Secretary of the Punch Club) has pointed out that, although his father is seen smoking a cigarette in this photo, he gave up the habit the following year !
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