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The Trustees have legal and fiduciary responsibility for the Association. The Trustees of the charity are the Officers of the Association: the President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary Elect & Honorary Treasurer Elect.

The Officers are elected by the voting members of the Association and, in total, each individual serves as a Trustee for four years. In addition, the Trustees have the power to co-opt up to four further Trustees, with the approval of Council.

Professor Ian Pearce (President)

Email Ian or Ian on X

Ian Pearce is a Professor of Urology at Manchester Royal Infirmary. He held the post of Hon Treasurer before being appointed Honorary Secretary in June 2021 for a two-year period. Ian took over the role of President, without election, from Jo Cresswell in June 2024.

Mr Joe Philip (President Elect & VP Education)

Email Joe or Joe on X

Joe Philip is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. He was appointed Honorary Secretary Elect in June 2021 before taking the role of Honorary Secretary in June 2023. He will succeed Ian Pearce as President in June 2026.

Professor Iqbal Shergill (VP Membership)

Email Iqbal or Iqbal on X

Iqbal Shergill is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Wrexham Maelor Hospital, Wrexham. He was appointed Honorary Treasurer Elect in June 2021 before taking the role of Honorary Treasurer in June 2023.

Mr Shabi Ahmad (Deputy VP Membership)

Email Shabi or Shabi on X

Shabi Ahmad is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Sandwell District Hospital, West Bromwich. He was appointed Honorary Treasurer Elect in June 2023.

Mr Mo Belal (Deputy VP Education)

Email Mo or Mo on X

Mo Belal is a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, and was appointed Honorary Secretary Elect in June 2023.  Mo was Chair of the Section of FNUU Executive Committee until December 2023.

Ms Lisa Dodgshon (Non-Clinical Co-Opted Trustee)

Email Lisa

Lisa Dodgshon was appointed in January 2021 as the first Non-Clinical Trustee. Lisa is a retired Company Director of an EU based global med comms agency and is the Chair of the BAUS Digital Strategy Working Group.

Mrs Rachel Morrison (Co-opted Lead Regional Representative)

Email Rachel  or  Rachel on X

Rachel Morrison was appointed in June 2024 as the Lead Regional Representative. She is already the Regional Adviser for the Yorkshire & Humber Region.

Miss Mo Sahu (Co-opted Clinical Trustee)

Email Mo

Mo Sahu was co-opted to Trustees in January 2025.  Mo is a Consultant Urologist at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth.

Miss Tharani Nitkunan (Co-Opted Clinical Trustee)

Email Tharani

Tharani Nitkunan was co-opted to Trustees in January 2025.  Tharani is a Consultant Urologist at Epsom General Hospital, Surrey.