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European Association of Urology

Founded in 1973

The European Association of Urology represents urological practice, research and education throughout Europe.

Foundation of the EAU

In 1972, Professor Georgio Ravasini, Professor of Urology at the University of Padua, gathered ten well-known European urologists to discuss the formation of a European urology society. During the 1973 congress of the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU), held in Amsterdam, the final constituent assembly took place. Thus the EAU was born and welcomed 259 proposed members.

As a neutral country, Switzerland was chosen as the permanent home of the EAU headquarters and Professor Willy Gregoir became the first Secretary General.

The First Congress & Journal

The first EAU Congress, chaired by Professor Ravasini was held in September 1974 in Padua, Italy. At this congress Professor G Mayor officially ratified the constitution and adopted European Urology as the official scientific journal of the EAU. The journal was to be published from January 1975 onwards.

During the 1984 EAU Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, it was agreed to use English as the sole official language at future congresses. Professor Ady Steg was elected Secretary General, succeeding Professor Gregoir.

A New Home

In 1993, the Netherlands became the new home of the Association’s headquarters, the EAU Central Office, from which all EAU activities are now organised.

History of the EAU  EAU website

EAU Museum

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