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Response statement in relation to prostate cancer screening programme in high-risk populations

BAUS backs development and implementation of a national, risk-stratified early detection programme

Vishwanath Hanchanale, Chair of Section of Oncology at The British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS), said: We welcome the backing of – and fully endorse - the development and implementation of a nationally integrated, risk-stratified... Read more

Appointment of New Audit Steering Group (ASG) Chair

Congratulations to Rob Calvert, Consultant Urological Surgeon at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, who has been appointed to the role of BAUS Audit Steering Group Chair, succeeding Andrew Dickinson.  Rob has shadowed Andrew... Read more

Working Party on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery (WPSMS) Report

BAUS fully supports the statement issued by the Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations regarding the Working Party on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery (WPSMS) report below: Breaking the Silence: Addressing Sexual Misconduct in... Read more