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Publishing About Global Health
(recommended reading)

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Authorship diversity in global evidence synthesis in urology: 1998-2022 analysis of Cochrane reviews.
Ozair A, Kumar A, Subash NR et al. BJU international. 2023 Jul;132(1):34-6.

Strengthening research capacity: a systematic review of manuscript writing and publishing interventions for researchers in low-income and middle-income countries.    Busse CE, Anderson EW, Endale T et al. BMJ Global Health 2022; 7: e008059.

The uses of knowledge in global health.
Abimbola S. BMJ Glob Health 2021; 6: e005802

Conceptualising sustainability in the surgical work of non-governmental organisations in low and middle-income    countries: a scoping review protocol
Goettke E, Coultas C, White M, Leather AJM. BMJ Open 2021;11(12): e048046

How (not) to write about global health
Jumbam DT. BMJ Global Health 2020; 5: e003164

Global surgery: a 30-year bibliometric analysis (1987–2017)
Sgrò A, Al-Busaidi IS, Wells CI et al. World Journal of Surgery. 2019; 43(11): 2689-98

The foreign gaze: authorship in academic global health
Abimbola S. BMJ Global Health 2019; 4: e002068

Building Global Capacity for Conducting Operational Research Using the SORT IT Model: Where and Who?
Zachariah R, Rust S, Berger SD et al. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(8): e0160837

Diaspora-driven efforts to build biomedical research capacity in low and middle-income countries: a pilot program in India. Varadaraj  V, Ranjit  A, Nwadiuko  J, et al. Ann Glob Health 2016; 82: 505–6.

Who Publishes in Leading General Surgical Journals? The Divide Between the Developed and Developing Worlds Mahawar KK, Malviya A, Kumar G. Asian J Surg 2006; 29(3): 140-144

How to write about Africa
Wainaina B. 2005. Granta 2019; 92

Internationalization of general surgical journals: origin and content of articles published in North America and Great Britain from 1983 to 1998Tompkins RK, Ko CY, Donovan AJ. Arch of Surg. 2001; 136(12): 1345-51                                                                                                                                                                                

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