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Medical Diaspora From, and the Effects of, Volunteers in LMICs (recommended reading)

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Experts in our midst: recognising the contribution NHS diaspora staff make to global health
THET 2021

The impact of physician migration on mortality in low and middle-income countries: an economic modelling study
Saluja S, Rudolfson N, Massenburg BB et al. BMJ Glob Health. 2020; 5(1): e001535

The brain drain myth: retention of specialist surgical graduates in East, Central & Southern Africa, 1974-2013
Hutch A, Bekele A, O'Flynn E et al. World J Surgery. 2017; 41: 3041-53

Empirically evaluating the WHO global code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel’s impact on four high-income countries four years after adoption
Tam V, Edge JS, Hoffman SJ. Global Health 2016; 12: 62

Assessing the expected impact of global health treaties: evidence from 90 quantitative evaluations
Hoffman SJ, Røttingen JA. Am J Public Health. 2015; 105(1): 26-40

Why sub-Saharan African health workers migrate to European countries that do not actively recruit: a qualitative study post-migration
Poppe A,  Jirovsky E,  Blacklock C et. al.  Global Health Action 2014; 7: 1

Health workforce brain drain: from denouncing the challenge to solving the problem
Cometto G, Tulenko K, Muula AS et al.  PLoS Med. 2013: 10(9): e1001514

Health professionals' migration in emerging market economies: patterns, causes and possible solutions
Nair M, Webster P. J Public Health, 2013: 35(1): 157–163 

The financial cost of doctors emigrating from sub-Saharan Africa: human capital analysis
Mills E J, Kanters S, Hagopian A et al. BMJ. 2011; 343 : d7031

User’s guide to the WHO global code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel
WHO 2011, Geneva

Evaluated strategies to increase attraction and retention of health workers in remote and rural areas
Dolea C, Stormont L, Braichet JM. Bull World Health Organ. 2010; 88(5): 379-385

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