Residential Operative Course
The Endourology Section organises an annual Residential Operative Course. This is aimed at trainees in their final year, post FRCS Urol, who wish to be appointed to a Consultant post in endourology and laparoscopy.
The course is limited to four delegates and will involve each delegate being the primary surgeon, with one-on-one expert Consultant assistance / coaching, to perform a variety of laparoscopic and endourological procedures.
BAUS will be running the 16th Residential Operative Endourology Course at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London from 23 to 24 September 2024. The closing date for applications is 12 noon, Friday 14 June 2024 - places are limited, so please book your place early.
Download the Application Form
Applicants will be selected on the basis of their previous Endourological experience. They should demonstrate evidence of an active interest in the sub-specialty and must be current members of BAUS.
Delegates have always found this course useful - feedback from the 2023 course can be found here and feedback from the 2024 course can be found here.
After attending the course, delegates have the opportunity to take advantage of a travel bursary. Feedback from one of the 2024 bursary-supported visits can be seen here
Other Courses
The BAUS Endourology Committee has also attempted to compile a list of courses that might be of use to section members. They have been split into laparoscopy, PCNL and ureteroscopy. To view a course, please click on the graphic below for details.
The details include an estimate of the appropriate level of training for each course, where this information is known. If you wish to add a course to this list, please e-mail the section.