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BAUS Section of Trainees (BSoT)

The Section of Trainees was formed was formed over 30 years ago as the Specialist Urology Registrars' Group (SURG), with the aim of promoting “high standards in the practice of the science of urology”.

Our aim, now that we have formally joined forces with BAUS, is to act as an advocate for trainees by promoting excellence in training, education, welfare and support, thus ensuring that future urologists can - and will - provide the best care possible for their patients.

BAUS Membership for Trainees

If you wish to apply for membership, please submit your application before the next Council meeting:

Apply for membership Latest (March 2023) newsletter

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BAUS Weekly Newsletter

2024 Edition No 17

As part of the BAUS communication strategy, we are exploring new ways of delivering information to members in a succinct and timely manner. Now the...

Upcoming Event

11 – 12 Sep 2024

BAUS Section of Endourology Annual Meeting

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 11 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JQ

Abstract Submission Abstract submission is open; click here to submit an abstract. Abstracts will be accepted for oral presentation or poster display. Submission closes at 11.00hr on Tuesday 18 June 2024. Accommodation Details to follow Programme Details to follow Registration Details to follow Social Details...